May 8, 2022

After a weekend of racing, being at home feels better than ever!

After a quick spanish lesson wherein I won two kahoots of 70 questions total, we went off on the friday at around 9:30. The car ride got slightly tedious and I might've ripped up the first part of a cup I was crocheting for a bralette without having had to, but I got impatient. I spent some time on my phone, mostly verifying users and answering questions in Lunar Coven where I just recently became a baby mod, so I'm officially part of the staff team! If I keep up the work, I might get to be a permanent mod, which would be awesome.

My headache was okay on friday and saturday, but saturday night and onward it has been quite annoying, so now before bed I actually grabbed two paracetamol so my sleep wouldn't be disturbed. My joints and the random abdominal cramps were worse however, along wiht my wrist that almost made me crash the electric kickbike on the track.

It was an amazing weekend, and I'm really glad I could go!

Written by Fullmetal61

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