May 11, 2022

Did 500 Push Up, Did Work, Homework, Reset Habitica Challenges, New Photos

6:19 AM (of Thursday, May 12th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, May 11th 2022 and it was a crazy day today. Wow. I cannot believe I got done the things I got done today. I did 500 push ups today. I just followed the same plan I already wrote about in yesterday's (Tuesday's) entry and did it. All I did was do 50 push ups every hour, which meant 10 push ups for 5 sets every hour, and I found this really easy. I think before doing 500 push ups a day, 10 push ups has to come really easily, and it does to me now. I can do 10 push ups with pretty much no effort, proper form too, so doing it 50 times per hour for 10 hours was not at all difficult because I got such a long break between each.

It still took so much time though. I would basically have to be fully prepared throughout the day to stop what I was doing and then go and just do 50 push ups out of the blue, which was distracting. I worked today too and did more development work. I could be busy in the middle of a task and then all of a sudden have to pause for a bit and do 50 push ups. It was distracting if anything, but yeah. My arms feel sort of sore, but not really, as I write this entry the next day (Thursday). My form really went terribly at the end of the day though, I noticed that. I would do push ups in front of this floor to ceiling mirror so I could see my form and all, and it was proper initially, but it was terrible at night when I was doing the final 50. I did 20 push ups in the last set, and did 10 push ups per set the rest of that.

Because of the compliment I got last night (Tuesday night), a woman asking if I were real and having a hard time believing it, I went out with my dad again today and we went to Old San Juan again to walk around, and this time to take some intentional photos. I wore something much nicer today with the intention of taking new photos today, and we stopped and paused at a bunch of places so I could pose in them as my dad took photos. Obviously I didn't tell him I wanted to go there just to take photos, I told him we would go there to walk around, and then as we hit some good areas I would give him my phone and ask him to take a photo of me.

Before that though, we also went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of fruits mainly. Anyway, outside in Old San Juan, actual name is Viejo San Juan here (viejo means old), we walked for around 3 miles to a bunch of places and stopped to take photos here and there along the way.

And then at home I was exhausted. I had 150 push ups left to do, and I did them over 3 hours. What a day. After that I did homework and that was annoying. I did my homework basically last minute again like always.

The class I am taking currently is a good one. It's called Health Psychology and it is a super important class I think. Every week's topic is important and vital to at least think about even just a little bit. It goes into a lot of theory and there are theories on everything, like from what motivates someone to make health improvements, and so on. I don't actually remember our topics that well or I would write about them so much more, even though I believe them to be super important to know, I don't remember them that well. This was the recommended class for me with my constantly failing and dropping out of courses, because it's the easiest class I have available to take.

It took me 9 years to get an Associate's, from the first day I went to a college (I dropped out of two universities and I am in my third one now), until last year when I got it. Today I am going as slow as taking 1 course every 3 months, and even though it's only 1 course, I take them without caring so much. There are some days when I know homework is due and I still haven't done the homework and it will take me just 30 minutes to do, and I will just ignore the homework and do something else.

I treat schoolwork that way because it’s not such high priority for me. To some people it is their entire lives and they fully commit and study and all that. I am already over the stage of needing a degree to find work. I feel confident to be able to find decent work in my field without a degree. For me it's a side thing basically.

There are much more important topics like saving the environment and saving animal lives by choosing not to kill and eat them for example. Honestly I can't think of anymore a vital topic in the world. Compared to such large issues like that, nothing else in my entire life matters at all. The funny thing is that the biggest action we can take to reducing our carbon footprint more than any other action in our entire lives is to just stop killing and eating animals, and it is such an easy thing to do. Just being vegan for a day saves like 6 months worth of showers and a month of driving a car or whatever.

Someone that is vegan and not an environmentalist is ironically still doing many multiples of times better for the environment than an "environmentalist" that is not vegan (I think those kinds of people are not environmentalists at all when they can do all the same things and just be vegan and exponentially become a better environmentalist), and it's such an easy choice too that takes no effort once one gets used to it. We humans kill ourselves and our planet by killing animals and eating them.

What else did I do today? I watched and finished Paranoia Agent, which is this anime that has this character named Li'l Slugger. I love that name and his design. I had this show playing in the background as I worked and did push ups throughout the day. Although in reality I don't believe in multitasking, and it really was more of a distraction than anything. I love the opening too, it's what made me stick to and watch the anime, it's such a weird opening. After watching the anime and knowing how it ends though, I think the show sucks. I would rate it very low. The first three episodes were good, and then it just ruined itself by being about the paranormal. Big spoiler here, but apparently Li'l Slugger was a hallucination the whole time, it's so stupid.

So Li'l Slugger is this elementary or middle school character with golden roller blades and a bent golden baseball bat, and he goes around the city whacking people seemingly at random in the head and knocking them out. The entire story is basically about finding out who he is and capturing him. There are many victims of his attacks, each episode basically has one or two people that are attacked, and the start of the series followed this formula. I think the story would have been so much better if he were a real person, but being a hallucination leaves so many plot holes, like how did some people get knocked out if he wasn't real? Like I said, the first three episodes were good, and then beyond that the story goes into the "stops making sense" area.

It really stops making sense after the third episode. More spoilers here. In the second to last episode, Li'l Slugger becomes a giant monster for some reason. So he's not a Li'l Slugger anymore, more like a giant slugger. It makes no freaking sense. There is no explanation to his transformation either, he goes from a human character to this big as a building character for no reason. And then in the last episode, get this, I am not joking, he turns into a giant black ooze that swallows up the entire city and causes huge damage like taking down buildings and things like that. Wtf. It went from a good detective story about a kid whacking people in the head unexpectedly with a baseball bat, to now about a black ooze eating up the city. It makes no sense. I would rate this as like nearly a 0/10 basically because of how stupid the story got.

For Vegpal today, basically the entire friendship feature is done. I think I would have been able to finish it all if I didn’t watch Paranoia Agent and if I didn’t do the 50 push ups every hour. Instead though I had homework and the 50 push ups and the anime that took attention from me publishing the new build.

At night I did a regretful activity twice. I haven’t written about that in a while but I haven’t stopped doing that at all. I need to. I haven’t yet. I did that a bunch of times since I last wrote about it, sometimes multiple times a day like tonight. I haven’t stopped. I need to.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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