May 12, 2022

No Internet, Went To Library and a Starbucks To Work, Got Wahl's Contact Info, Submitted App

6:11 AM (of Friday, May 13th 2022)

You know what doing 500 push ups yesterday got me today? Nothing. There was no change in weight, there was no change in appearance. Doing 500 push ups in one day pretty much had no effect at all. I have to do it for 1 month to see results. My arms were sort of sore today (Thursday), and my abs were sort of sore, like barely. I am saying they were sort of sore because they felt a little teeny soreness but almost none at all, and after like 10 AM I really didn't feel any soreness or anything at all the rest of the day.

I did 50 push ups in the morning, with the intent to kinda try and do another 50 push ups every hour. I ended up not doing this though. My Internet went out pretty early in the morning, maybe a bit before 9 AM, and I couldn't believe it did at first. I was browsing the Internet on my phone and the wi-fi image on the top right corner that is normally there, wasn't, instead it said 5G. So at this point I knew my phone was using cellular data instead of wi-fi, but I could not have guessed the wi-fi was out, I just thought maybe my phone got from Wi-fi and I have to reconnect again.

Anyway the Internet was out today, so I went to a nearby library with my dad to use the wi-fi there instead. The library said it would be open at 10:30 AM, but it was already around 10:35 AM when we got there and it was still closed. It was a very small library by the way, with no parking lot at all. You had to just park in front of the curb in front of the library. There was only one other car parked there, so there was plenty of parking room. A lot of places here do not have parking lots at all by the way and you have to park on the curb in front of the building. It's very common. It's not like the U.S. where there's plenty of space, here in Puerto Rico it's just a small island, so we try to use up as little space as possible. I think that's a brilliant approach to things.

I think cars in general are too big and take up too much room. It would be a lot better if we drove smaller cars like Smart Cars or just rode bikes, but unfortunately there is a safety concern with other people driving larger vehicles that can easily kill someone in a smaller car or a cyclist. It is like trying to keep an environment clean, trying to preserve some environment, trying to preserve some life. It basically requires everyone to work together to keep a place clean, keep a place undisturbed, keep beings alive. If one person starts throwing trash around the streets and polluting, then it ruins the environment even if everyone else were clean. If one person were to start a forest fire then the environment is ruined even if no one else did anything. If only one person started enslaving, force breeding, forced caging, killing, and eating animals then they take lives away unnecessarily even when everyone else doesn't.

It basically takes everyone to work together for the best results and it takes only one person to ruin that.

When it comes to burning down forests, they are doing that in the Amazon so they can grow crops to feed livestock and to make room for livestock. It's pretty shocking and idiotic but around 80% of our agriculture is used entirely to feed only livestock. We grow so much more food to feed animals so we can fatten them up and slaughter and eat them, than we grow food to feed ourselves. When it is so extremely easy just to go vegan and just eat plant foods. We can already solve world hunger and feed the humans of the world many times over if we grew crops to feed ourselves instead of 80 billion land animals. When viewed this way, it seems the world is insane and majority of people are irrational.

Even if someone were to make an argument that there's some sort of nutrition we need from animals, it does not justify slaughtering animals and eating them daily. I've been vegan for over 9 years and fully understand we can get all our nutritional needs met without killing and eating any animals whatsoever. There's people that have been born vegan and are over 70 years old today having eaten no animal products their entire lives, like Mark Huberman on YouTube. For those that do eat some animal products like eggs and milk, there's over 500 million born and raised from birth vegetarians who eat those things, and probably 10% of which (50 million) that only sparingly drink dairy as the only animal product they have eaten (because their religion disallows eggs). For an infinitely better world without daily mass torture and slaughter, the entire world is vegan, but if only minimally everyone should at least be vegetarian.

Anyway I worked in the library for a few hours today with a mask on because that was mandatory, probably for around 3 hours, from 10:40ish AM until around 2:00 PM. The woman in charge spoke to us in plain English and she seemed very energetic and excited to have us. She asked if I was a student and what I was studying. I told her I was only there for work because the Internet was down in my home. Later in the day there was another person that came by and he was being proctored to take an exam to become a sea captain, we chat for a little bit. He also asked me what I was studying and where I was studying. I'm not a student here!!! I guess a lot of the people that come to the library are students for studying, but I was not here for that.

I worked on things for Vegpal like testing the app, testing and deploying the updated backend code to production, verifying the scripts to run in the database, writing our deployment steps, and finally uploading the latest app build with the Friendship Feature. It was a lot maybe, but I knew how to do it all.

While the app was being uploaded, Wahl finally replied back to my messages I sent her like two weeks ago. I asked her for her contact information like her full name, email, and phone number. There were several paragraph long messages before I asked her for her contact information. It is very fun talking to her like this and I couldn't wait for her reply, and she finally replied back after around two weeks. She responded to each of my messages again one by one like always, replying to my paragraph long messages with shorter messages.

When she got to the part about me asking for her full contact information, she didn't respond right away. I was reading all of this in my notifications popping up on my Apple Watch by the way. I didn't open up Instagram to read her messages. I just read these things as they appeared on my watch, while my computer was uploading the app, every few seconds or so it would vibrate and her message would appear. I got I think a bit over 10 notifications while in the library, then she got to the message when I asked for her contact info and she didn't reply back right away.

The app finished so I packed up my things and my dad and I left the library, we went to this place called Bori Vegan which was a vegan restaurant a mile away from this library. I knew there was a Bori Vegan place nearby so I just put Bori Vegan on my GPS and started driving, but the place we ended up was unfamiliar to me. I have been to a different Bori Vegan than this one, are there two of them? It's so weird. Anyway we went inside and grabbed a seat, made an order, and then ate our meal there.

While eating was when she replied back. I saw it on my notifications that she gave her contact info and then she replied to a bunch of other stuff I sent. Last night (Wednesday night) I messaged her again and I sent her some new photos taken recently here in Puerto Rico. I think I got like 20-30 new notifications in total. I wanted to reply to them, but we have the unspoken rule again of waiting a while before replying. It makes things more interesting or something. I don't know. But I was so happy she replied back and she was happy for the plans I had for us. I can't wait to go to Disney World and other places with her, and also she says after that she's free to come to Puerto Rico with me after too, I'm so excited. Again I hope this happens, plans can change and be cancelled and all that, but I am truly hoping we meet up and go out on dates and so on, I am truly wishing for it.

After that, we go back home, but there's still no Internet. So we go out to Starbucks and stay there for like the next 4 hours or so, so I could work there and upload the latest version of Vegpal again to the app stores. It turns out there was some problem with the previous version I uploaded, so I had to upload this new one. Everything was done with the Friendship Feature. We finished the build, tested it, everything was ready to go, just had to upload it basically and release it. The upload process kept running into issues and the Internet was slow, so uploading the app took a while, but it was finally completed eventually. Omg it was so boring waiting for that process to complete. My dad and I paid $16 for the drinks and the food he bought to basically stay there, because we had to buy stuff to get the code for the wi-fi. Then I had to fill in my contact information to use it.

Later at home, Wi-Fi was finally back. I basically spent a few hours just reading news and other articles and things like that. I also looked up Wahl's full name online and I found her Facebook and LinkedIn. She has such amazing photos, wow! I have a crush on her and I really hope this works out. Now that I have her phone number and email, what am I supposed to do with it? Like when do I contact her, and what do I say? I don't know. I know we need to plan the exact day we are meeting up and where, and what we're going to do, and so on. But I don't know! When do I contact her? Should I wait a week before replying like always, or contact her sooner? And what do I even say?

At home I also sent our latest version of Vegpal up for review.

Today felt like I did far less today than yesterday. I didn't do 500 push ups and didn't do any homework. I actually fell asleep before I could do the homework, but I seriously did plan on doing homework tonight.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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