May 17, 2022

Dropped dad off at the airport, extremely hedonistic day

7:41 AM (of Wednesday, May 18th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, May 17th 2022 and I woke up very early this morning. I woke up at maybe 1 AM, and I just worked on Vegpal items that whole time, until like 6 AM. I got a lot done, fixing a lot of bugs Lia posted about with the friendship feature.

Then at around 6 AM I had to drop my dad off at the airport. He had problems with his phone charging here and he left with around 50% battery life. His battery doesn’t hold a charge that well anymore and I was worried the whole time that he wouldn’t have a charge when he got back in the U.S. and not be able to get an Uber. On the drive there we talked about his debts and stuff like that, how I have to be the one to help pay it off…

Dropping him off was extremely sad and lonely. I’ve done this several times now, dropping people off elsewhere that were once living with me for a time. I drove back home alone obviously.

After doing 110 push ups, I filled the whole day with pleasure, watching anime and inappropriate videos majority of the day. I also did Vegpal work and I submitted last month’s timesheets for NW. I had an hour Spanish lesson again. I started them up again yesterday (Monday), the last Spanish lessons I had being back in February. I forgot to write about it in Yesterday’s (Monday’s) entry though.

Yeah I can still sort of speak it fluently but I have a hard time understanding it still. Mexican Spanish and Puerto Rican Spanish are different. I can’t understand Puerto Rican Spanish that well because they shorten words a lot and there’s also different pronunciations of words. Instead of saying vamos (let’s go) for example, here they say “vamo”, or with the word “papi” (which is pronounced like pah-pee) and they pronounce it like pah-peh. I mean these are just simple examples. Imagine the rest of the words being like that, slightly different from the “proper” word. Also they speak far faster here too.

We talked about hobbies, past stuff, and Steve Jobs and Apple since I was reading the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. She knew nothing about Apple or Steve Jobs. I think he is a legendary figure, the best CEO and innovator of all time who created the number one company during his life time, also he created Pixar too which surpassed Disney in animated movie sales and reviews.

Almost every product he created was a hit, he introduced the world to the personal computer, computer mice, graphical user interfaces, his NeXT computer was the one where the World Wide Web (internet) was programmed. When he entered back Apple, he turned it from a failing company to the number one in the world. When he entered the music industry Apple took over 70% to 80% of ALL music sales worldwide (isn’t that insane?). His invention of the iPhone was completely revolutionary, before him there were no touch screen phones, and now we have them as standard. Then he created the iPad and likewise everyone else started making tablets.

Steve Jobs was also the owner of Pixar. It was an unprofitable division of LucasFilm with a different name that Steve Jobs bought from George Lucas and renamed it to Pixar. He turned that company into the number one animation movie company in the world, each year bringing out hit after hit. I’m kinda annoyed the Wikipedia page on Pixar doesn’t list Steve Jobs as a co-founder while the Pixar fandom wikia correctly does. Steve Jobs bought and owned Pixar before it was called Pixar and he was CEO from its inception until 2006 when it was sold to Disney, so he should be listed as a co-founder. John Lasseter is also not listed as a co-founder but he was as well. What’s up with that? Anyway I think every Pixar film was good until Steve Job’s death, and then they started to get worse. Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so.

It’s the same with Apple. Apple has not had any new innovations since his death, except the Apple Watch, which he probably at least knew about as some people have admitted, even if he didn’t have any input on it. Even Apple Campus 2 which was completed just a few years ago was already completely planned by Steve Jobs. Other than the Apple Watch, every new Apple product has basically been a new iteration of a previously existing Apple product from 2011. Steve Jobs had major input in every single product, he would make the complaints if something wasn’t done the way he wanted and that’s how Apple products became so great and pretty much flawless.

After his death, Apple tanked for a while. Their popularity and products weren’t so good and their new releases sucked for a while in my opinion. The Touch Bar was gross, the new iPhones were lackluster. Up until last year I guess, Apple kind of sucked I think. Nothing new and overpriced. Since last year, I think they did everything well. The new iPhone 13 which I have the pro max version of, is the best phone I have ever used. It is freaking amazing and it’s modeled from the iPhone 4. It is literally just a larger version of the iPhone 4 which Steve Jobs worked on. Their new M1 chips are also completely amazing!

It really sucks that Steve Jobs died so young. He was vegan basically his whole life from his late teens until his death, although he did things such as eat only fruits, drink only juices, eat only one type of fruit for weeks at a time, and he would do things such as having long fasting periods too. His cancer was discovered when he visited the doctor from stressed induced kidney stones from working 20 hours a day on 2-3 companies at the same time. Arguably Elon Musk is also doing this today, the main difference is that Steve Jobs produced results, actual products and innovation that changed the world, while Elon Musk makes promises, gets all the media attention, and then produces nothing that lives up to those promises.

Steve Job’s wedding in 1991 was even all vegan. I think he died early because he prophesized it in his youth that he would. Why did he do this? He kept going around telling people that he felt he only had a short time to live and that he must do as much as he could before his death. He started saying this in his late 20s and early 30s and told people he just met this. He told a lot of people this because he wholeheartedly believed it and I think the power of his thoughts and mind caused his cancer and his eventual death. He blamed the cancer on his work hours though, managing 2-3 companies at the same time and being the first in and last to leave his workplace, I think it could be a combination of both. Some people die when they no longer have a purpose or no longer feel like living. He made the number one company in the world, it was the number one most valued company in the world when he died and arguably the most influential company of all time. His prophecy came true when he died young at 56 from cancer and he had completely changed and revolutionized the world.

I think maybe he felt he had nothing more to give and it was his time to go. Another example is from the end of 2016 when Carrie Fisher, famous actress as Princess Leia in Star Wars died. Her mom died a day later, probably from the stress, pressure, shock, and loss of sense of purpose from her daughter dying. Maybe she had a wish to not outlive her daughter, when she outlived her by a day, she also just chose to go. I don’t know. No one knows.

I think it is strange some of the least healthy looking people do outlive their healthy looking counterparts though. There’s a lot of healthy looking people that die under 40 or under 50 for example. Godfrey Gao who is the first Asian male supermodel for example, had six pack abs and muscles and a handsome face, died of a heart attack at 35. Chadwick Boseman the black panther actor died at 43 and he also had six pack abs and was good looking. Even Steve McQueen the King of Cool who worked out 2 hours a day and looked like a model died at age 50. There’s a bunch more examples but their names are not as well known, since 2021 for example there’s been over 1000 young athlete (most are below 30) deaths from heart attacks and other causes (tracked by a COVID vaccine conspiracy website of course). Meanwhile some obese people like Warren Buffett and William Shatner made it to their 90s. Pretty weird how that works.

All this information I just pulled from my mind again (but I did use searches to verify). Continuing from my comments about knowing a lot in a wide variety of topics from yesterday, I think I do know a lot about a lot. Crazy. I am shocked when I bring up a topic and people have never heard of it before. It is rare someone brings up a topic and I have never heard of it before. Very rare. If I really didn’t know about it, I would do some reading and then eventually know about it.

But yeah, longevity is strange. In general eating less means living longer. Being more vegan means living longer. Being fit means living longer. Having community and family means living longer. Having a sense of purpose means living longer. Being younger means living longer. Being a woman means living longer. Being wealthy means living longer. Being educated means living longer. Being married means living longer. On average and in general this is how longevity works, but isn’t always the case.

Anyway the whole day today I spent it hedonistically. I ate all the food we had at home, everything. There’s nothing left basically, except some quinoa and rice and beans but I have to cook those and I won’t. So for tomorrow I can fast. For 2 weeks. I can basically unplug the refrigerator if I didn’t already have juice inside and plant based cheese. There’s nothing else in there and I don’t want to throw those things out. Maybe I should though so I can unplug the fridge. It’s a mini fridge too, I don’t own nor need a freezer. But there is a teeny very tiny freezer portion that is for freezing ice cubes mainly, but I use that for story veggie patties since they’re flat and fit.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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