May 19, 2022

Day 2 Fasting

6:43 AM (of Friday, May 20th 2022)

Today is Thursday, May 19th 2022 and it’s my second day of water fasting. I got on the scale again this morning and was 3 pounds down from yesterday. I was 190.5 pounds yesterday at my peak morning weight after the day I ate everything at home. I probably ate like 5000 calories of food that day. Today I weighed 187.8 pounds in the morning, this would slowly drop throughout the day as I exhaled carbon.

During the early phases of water fasting it’s possible to lose more than 3 pounds a day, but then I think it tapers off to about a pound a day after the third or fourth day. On my previous 14 day water fast, I dropped 10 pounds in the first 7 days, and then only around 7 pounds in the final 7 days. It seems like I will be losing more weight this second time around.

I did a decent amount of work for Stealth Launch in the morning, completing a bunch of things except one item basically because it was a bit more complicated than the others. I’m gonna sign off 8 hours today and yesterday because I put in a lot of time today and yesterday to work on these tasks.

We had our morning scrum for Vegpal again and that was fun. My voice was super weak haha. I have not spoken for like the past day and maybe my throat was dry or something, but yeah I could barely speak. Does that have to do with fasting? I don’t recall my voice being weak the first time I did the fast, but yeah this came as a shock. I wanted to say “good morning” and expected my normal voice, which to me sounds normal but is probably a little deep and loud. It came out so weak when I said good morning.

I did work for both again throughout the day. I didn’t have anything else to do. Fasting also saves a lot of time I guess, I don’t have to prepare any food or go out to get anything. No dishes to wash or any trash to throw away.

Throughout the day I also replied to some people on Instagram. Sometimes I would get an ad to save some animals or something, like I got an ad about bears being caged and bred to be killed and eaten in Vietnam. People would post in the comments how horrible that is and blah blah, and then I would comment saying I hope they are vegan then and also care about other animals. Most of the time people don’t reply back, but sometimes they make a personal case about why they can’t be.

I only got two replies from people today. One guy posted about how he can’t hit his macros as a vegan. Seriously? From his profile picture he was a thin guy. I told him he could just use vegan protein powders to hit his macros like non-vegans already do, it’s not that hard. There are already many vegan body builders. Heck even I built muscle easily just literally by exercising and not changing anything else, no protein powders or anything, and I’ve already been vegan for over 9 years. It was no effort at all to build and keep muscle.

Although admittedly, in VA, several weeks after I arrived, I saw my dad had some vegan protein powders he bought from Wal-Mart. I wanted to try it out just for fun! After putting some scoops into a bowl and adding some green smoothie to it, not mixing it and basically just eating powder with some liquid, it was like a powdery creamy sweet thing and it tasted wonderful. The vegan protein powder was vanilla flavored and I added in a bit of some green smoothie and it was so freaking delicious in its powder form. I think it’s better than mixing it! I would eat this sometimes as a snack, if I didn’t have any smoothies I’d put in almond milk. So I did start to eat some protein powder sometimes but I’d already built muscle before then.

Another guy I replied to had a complete meltdown. The conversation was about environment and how wasteful and resource intensive it was to raise animals for meat and it’s entirely unnecessary. It’s so wasteful that even shipping plant foods from across the planet is many multiple times more economical and less polluting than raising animals locally then killing them and I cited my sources (“ourworldindata food choice”). He would literally ignore it and talk about capitalism this and that.

I also told him how 80% of our agriculture is used to feed livestock (“ourworldindata land use”), and we use up so much more land and water for livestock than for humans. I told him to watch the viral vegan ad video “hell of a steak” which was posted in the channel who’s post we were posting in, that shows it takes like nearly 1 million gallons of water and many several acres of land crops grown to feed a single cow.

Obviously he ignores everything I say. He doesn’t respond to any points I make, doesn’t look at any sources or citations. He continues blaming capitalism and the rich and so on, talking about privilege this and that. I ask him if he thinks I am white or that I was born in a first world country. It should be apparent I’m not white, this part is not apparent but I was born in the Philippines which was a third world country when I was born and is now considered a developing country. And yes there are already many vegans and vegetarians in the Philippines. This guy is some white guy in a first world country and he is bringing up privilege. Wow. Honestly I don’t even know what this has to do with the conversation, but he kept going on a tangent about capitalism and privilege and the rich and this and that. We’re trying to talk about the environment and how animal agriculture is destroying it here.

Basically I had to repeat myself a bunch of times. At one point he says something like “it’s possible to raise and kill animals in a humane way without causing suffering” and I ask him “okay what is a humane way we can raise and kill cats and dogs without causing suffering?” He then admits there is no way to do that, lol, so the same would apply for chickens, cows, and pigs you idiot. Then he brings up plant lives and like “plant lives are important too!!” Did he not notice that I already mentioned we use 80% of our agriculture to feed livestock? We grow more plants to feed livestock than humans, so we kill more plants by eating meat. I don’t know why I had to repeat that, even though I’ve already said it like 5 times in the conversation, it did not even register with him. I noticed this a lot but people’s brains turn off when they talk about this subject.

Anyway his final reply to me was completely mental. He started talking about capitalism and how people lived in mansions, how I was getting it in the butt with capitalism, stuff that had nothing to do with the conversation at all. Uhh… okay. He posted a very long freaking reply too that I’m sure took him a while to write. Anyway I recommended for him to watch the movies Cowspiracy and Eating Our Way To Extinction. I think the entire world needs to watch these movies. I told him to watch these movies then come back with an updated opinion. Hopefully he does.

At night I was really hungry. Obviously there was no food or anything to eat though. I just drank some water.

I watched some anime briefly but it was all so boring to me. All the anime seemed slow pace today, none of them excited me whatsoever.

One character I really like is this character named Shiki Tohno or Tohno Shiki or whatever. Anyway he has a unique and creative ability. He has such a creative power that is extremely rare in literature I think. He has the ability to see “lines of death” on everything and if he cuts along the line, he can cut apart anything. The anime for this show is called Tsukihime I think, but it sucked! The manga was way better. I read that manga in 9th grade and I thought Shiki had the best power at the time.

I guess another unique ability is the power to turn trash into trees in the show Law of Ueki. Ueki has the power to pick up trash and turn it into trees. Ueki is pretty much one of the smartest “dumb” characters. He is portrayed as an aloof and ignorant and dumb character basically for comedic purposes. Like some characters would be talking about one subject and then Ueki would reply back with something completely unrelated and it would be like a funny thing. He does do a lot of stupid things in the show but he’s also quite a smart character, able to outsmart his opponents in battles and he even has some great quotes. Pretty much every character in that show has a unique ability too though.

I guess another unique ability is the ability to write someone’s name in a book and they die, from Death Note. You know what? So is the power to stretch and be like rubber like in One Piece. Heck even becoming a super saiyan like in DBZ is a unique power. Getsuga Tensho from Bleach is a unique power. The spirit gun from Yu Yu Hakusho is a unique power. Wow here I am thinking of the “mainstream” anime and they have unique powers too!

But I just thought that the power to see death lines was super unique and creative for some reason. I guess maybe not. Shiki Tohno was just an overpowered character in this map called Anime Fight or Fight of Characters or something like that in Warcraft 3.

I am starting to wonder whether I actually do hate anime or not. I spend so much time watching it. I do enjoy the artwork. I sometimes enjoy the story but more often than not the stories disappoint. I also dislike the trope that the main character only encounters weak characters at the start and then they fight the strongest characters in the end. It’s like an mmorpg where you level up in the beginner area and then progress on to the end. But real life isn’t like that. Well, maybe it is with the school grades and all. But man it is weird. Like Zabuza in the beginning of Naruto was supposed to be an “S” rank ninja, but pretty much some beginner genin kids were able to beat him and everyone after him was stronger. Same with Raditz being able to destroy Earth in the beginning of DBZ but again every villain after him was exponentially stronger. That power scaling is annoying and predictable. What if Buu appeared in the very beginning before the saiyans even had super saiyan? Game over.

Where do these powers come from anyway? How come these characters have unique powers absolutely no one else has and no one else can get? Real life isn’t like that. We can do anything anyone else can do. Anime is escapism into a world where the main character is truly unique and can do things others can’t. Real life is different. We’re all humans and can all do the same things. That’s what I have always believed.

Anyway I did homework later that night too, and I fell asleep before 10 PM. I have homework due on both Wednesday and Thursday. Apparently I have skipped doing 3 of my Thursday assignments for this class so far, and they are apparently huge chunks of my grade. I have lost 7.5% in my grade total just because I went to sleep instead of working on homework assignments on Thursday. Ouch! I need to review the syllabus in the future to see the grade distribution better.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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