May 22, 2022

Did Knuckle Push Ups for First Time

8:23 AM (of Monday, May 23rd 2022)

Today is Sunday, May 22nd 2022 and there were so few things that happened today that doing knuckle push ups for the first time is the main thing, and I did that in the morning. I had already done a regular 110 push ups at this point, but for fun, I was like, let me try some knuckle push ups.

So I did some knuckle push ups and they were harder than normal! I couldn’t have imagined them being that different from a flat palm push up but they were. I did around 50 knuckle push ups and they were fun and difficult to do. I only did 10 per set of 5 sets.

Knuckle push ups hurt my knuckles a little bit because I’m pushing on them with a lot of weight. I also have to keep my wrist balanced a lot more. A good thing I guess is I can go down a bit deeper with a knuckle up because I’m elevated a little higher.

I saw that Wahl read my message last night but she hasn’t responded or said anything! Weird! I felt very insecure and nervous at this point like, is she going to reply? I don’t know! I hope she does.

After doing these push ups I ate some bananas and some protein powder with almond milk. What I like to do is put the protein powder into a bowl and then add just a little bit of almond milk and then eat it that way, without mixing! I like it in its powdery form and the wetness of the almond milk adds some good texture and taste.

I probably watched claymore the rest of the time.

At 2 PM I had my Spanish lessons again. It’s not really even Spanish lessons at this point. It’s just that we are having conversations in Spanish. I basically just talked about all the same stuff I talked about in my entry with the young people dying like Steve Jobs, Steve McQueen, Godfrey Gao, etc, except in Spanish.

My Spanish tutor asked me about the music I had ghost written for me months back and if I had uploaded them yet. I told her not yet but that I promised to do so right after the lesson. It has been almost 6 months since the songs have been completed, but they are not online anywhere! Huge shame.

I lied though, I procrastinated a bunch more. After the lesson and even before that, I had already done some regretful activities! I think I always have an unproductive day whenever I do something regretful in the morning, but I just felt so full energy that I did some regretful things a few times throughout the day today! I didn’t even keep count how many regretful things I did.

I coin flipped whether I should get Acai, it said heads. I coin flipped whether I should get an Impossible Whopper today, it also said heads. So I went out and got both, I choose not to have any animals be killed for my meals since it’s an easy, rational, and ethical decision to make, we all have that choice. I also filled up my gas at the gas station.

At home I ate and watched Claymore while eating. It’s a good show. I also did more regretful activities and fell asleep quite early, like at around 5 PM. I basically just passed out while watching Claymore. I wouldn’t wake up again until 1 AM so I really fell asleep and I had all this trash around me on the floor, I passed out like some lazy hedonístic glutton! I cleaned that stuff up and a few hours later I ended up uploading the music! More on that in tomorrows entry though since that belongs there since that didn’t happen today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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