May 27, 2022

Least I weighed all year so far!

5:56 AM (of Saturday, May 28th 2022)

Today is Friday, May 27th 2022 and it was a good day today. I weighed the least that I weighed all year today! 182.3 pounds! My previous record was 182.5 pounds this year! I still look overweight and all that, but I am lighter today than after I finished my first fast. It’s interesting!

I compared photos of me today vs back then and I look pretty similar! My interpretation of it now is different though. Back then when I first lost the weight, being at this weight, I looked thin and skinny to myself, but that was because I was comparing myself to my previous self which was just very overweight and obese. Today when I look at myself, I now still view myself as overweight and that's my interpretation of it. I have these thoughts that like, back then after my 14 day fast that I was super thin and all that, but I am the same today, and I now just see myself as still very overweight! Very different interpretation!

I did 100 knuckle push ups again today and 60 arm curls with a 25 pound weight. The knuckle push ups are getting a lot easier, like super easy. I pretty much felt almost no difference between a regular push up and this knuckle push ups at this point. And yes I do these slowly, go all the way down, go all the way up, and I suck my stomach in the whole time, I keep my body in a straight line, and so on, I try to do these as perfect form as I can! And it was easy today!

There is always some news of vegans breaking world records here and there, I get it on my Facebook news feed often like weight lifting records and running records being broken by vegans. Today a vegan broke both world records for push ups that is tracked by Guinness, and it's the 8 hour and 12 hour push ups category. He did 21,008 push ups in 12 hours and over 15,000 in 8 hours and the guy is 57 years old.

For sure being vegan as well gives people more endurance and even strength, there's been studies of this since the early 1900s, an early one done by Yale, to their disbelief they found that even the sedentary vegetarians were able to outperform Yale's best meat eating athletes in endurance events, and of course the vegetarians that weren't sedentary did even better. In the documentary Game Changers, the narrator went vegan and broke his gym's records in the rope endurance event by hours, literally hours, and he didn't even try to do that.

Somehow people think enslaving, force breeding, and killing animals and eating their flesh will give them some powers, when it's actually the opposite, it makes them weaker and have less endurance, slows down their mental performance and even sexual performance. It is crazy how oblivious people are though.

Anyway the push ups record holder uploaded the video of him doing those push ups to his YouTube channel, so I visited that and watched his video beating the world record. He can do these push ups extremely fast. Like, in the time it takes me to do one push up, he would have done 5 or 6 push ups or something like that. Crazy fast. I tried doing it the same as him, just as rapidly, and I am just nowhere near his speed at all, I could not do it! Like it is pretty unbelievable. I need to lose weight and then maybe I can do it as fast as him!

What else? I did a small amount of work for Vegpal today, there was some issue or something. The dev build is taking such a long time to respond and I don't know why.

For NW I also did not do that much.

I went out to Mama Pacha's today.

I didn't read Wahl's new message the whole day even though I was very much looking forward to reading it. I coin flipped on it and it said tails. Man why am I listening to the coin flip as if it has total authority on my life? It doesn't. But I think it's a good idea anyway that I don't respond today.

I realized I was listening to Lil Nas X for the first time today. I have listened to his one song called Industry Baby for a while now and I thought it was a good song, but I had no idea who it was by, I didn't even know the song name, and the lyrics were kind of hard to understand, but it sounded cool and gave me Stay by Justin Bieber vibes. Man the voice these guys sing in is super freaking hot in my opinion. Their voices and how they speak and sound in these songs is so freaking hot to me, like I want to sound like that. I love the accent and how they randomly go "ayy" and "yuh", something about that is just hot to me, even though I am hetero, it just sounds so good. It sounds like they lazily sing and mumble their lines in the song and it just sounds so freaking good, I don't know how else to describe it.

I watched some old anime and other things at night. Like I watched TMNT from 2003, I grew up watching some episodes of that show! I also saw some videos of games like Chip 'n' Dale 2 Rescue Rangers for Famicom, and even Samurai Pizza Cats, games I played for the Famicom. I played these games in Japanese back in the day and I had no idea what anything said! No idea at all. I watched English versions today and finally understood. Anyway I thought these games were amazing back then, especially 2 player mode on Chip 'n' Dale 2 Rescue Rangers.

So the Famicom is the NES console they used in Japan, which came out before the NES. It looks way different from the NES by the way, like completely different. I have no idea why they made the appearances so different, and also the cartridges were completely different too. Why was it so huge in the U.S. and so small in Japan and other Asian countries? I don't think I have ever seen an NES in real life by the way, I have seen a Super NES, but not an NES regular in real life.

Anyway that was pretty much my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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