May 28, 2022

More Hiking and Waterfalls, crazy places

7:15 AM (of Sunday, May 29th 2022)

Today is Saturday. May 28th 2022 and it was a fun day today. I pushed my body to the limits today.

I woke up at around 5 AM and then just worked on my journal entries for the past 2 days. These entries were rushed because I had to leave soon, at like 6 AM, to meet up with RadicallyWild (will be referred to as RW in the rest of the entry so I don’t have to type all that!). So I rushed with writing my entries, I didn’t say all that I wanted, I probably said stupid things too, but yeah that’s what happened.

We meet up again and pretty similar story. We drive down to a place. On the way there, we stop by the “3 waterfalls” area and chill there for a bit. The water there is brown and muddy.

Then we continue on. We stop by another crazy waterfall place, second picture, and chill there for a few hours, taking pictures, and making videos. We had it all to ourselves. I got stung by a wasp there.

Oh gosh, we go through some really sketchy hell-road-like places. We both now commonly refer to those crazy freaking roads as hell roads. There are some nice views though! At one view I accidentally stood on top of some ant nest and my feet got bitten up, they are very itchy and almost blister like now. We stop and take some pictures. We also go by a lake, stop by and take more pictures there.

We make it to some town, and there are hundreds of mangoes on the ground. We grab a bunch. Last two photos.

We go to the first waterfall place and it is packed, third to last photo is the same place but with it empty, we go back there at the end of the day around 5:30 PM and had it to ourselves at that point, but it was packed.

There was this all girl group that came and we gave them a bunch of our mangoes. They started taking photos with it and selfies with the mangoes in front of the waterfall. We talked to them for a bit.

After that we start hiking up this mountain and it is crazy hard. It is crazy beautiful though, it’s all the other photos not yet mentioned. Worth it for these pictures alone.

I had to use every physical power I had to traverse this place. It was crazy fun and crazy difficult, definitely one of the harder hikes, but also one of the funnest ones I have ever been on.

There was lots of climbing up rocks and stuff like that. Just look at the photos! There is a chance of slipping and hitting your head and stuff like that. My muscles are so sore the next day that I can’t even do a push up. That’s so weird.

We go back down and chill in that other waterfall for a bit. I am sweating a lot and stuff at this point.

On the drive home I buy RW and I a cliff bar and bobo bar again, and some book chika pop again. I love those. I gave him most of the mangoes. I get back home at around 11 PM, very tired and sleepy. I just change clothes then go to sleep right away.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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