May 29, 2022

Rest day

8:41 PM

I felt pretty good in the morning. I went out at around 12 PM though and I walked and jogged for a while in the blazing sun. Right now, I guess in combination with all the physical activity I had yesterday, I was hiking and climbing rocks and swimming for like 10 hours straight non-stop yesterday, and had like 6 hours driving, and combined with me walking and jogging in the blistering sun at noon for a few hours, right now I feel sore. Very sore. Not that sore I guess, but still sore.

I am having a hard time doing push ups right now. Like I just did 5 push ups but my body kept telling me no, don’t do that. So I am so sore I can’t even do that many push ups. Well, I could have kept on going, like I have every ability to, but I just felt like, maybe I shouldn’t, and should just rest. Anyway, yeah, I feel sore.

This photo is from the walk today. I walked through this area alone. It was so beautiful, but I walked alone. I am so freaking lonely. I don’t know how anyone else lives in this way. I have to do literally everything myself. How does anyone live like this?

My home is kinda messy at the moment, not that messy, but I’m like whatever, and just leave stuff in some places sometimes that I shouldn’t leave them in. Like there’s some unwashed dishes right now. I’m like, whatever. I could clean up some of the stuff here but I just don’t feel like it. I am just alone. Like this whole thing is my responsibility. I have full freedom of my life and it can be painful. I am bored out of my mind.

I am kind of out of books to read. Like they just bore me now. I have read so many books. YouTube bores me too, I’ve seen it all. I was basically telling the story of Facebook to RadicallyWild yesterday and I was citing names like Eduardo Saverin and Sean Parker and the Winklevoss twins (I could keep going with Divya Narendra, the Porcelian, the final clubs, etc), and I was basically telling him the story of Facebook’s founding and creation, based on the Accidental Billionaires book, which is what The Social Network movie is based on. And my opinions on all that. And he was like it was kind of scary how I knew that much about it.

Lol. I can also tell the founding stories of Microsoft, Twitter, Apple, Instagram, Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, Whole Foods, Tofurkey, Python the programming language, Linux the kernel (but it’s basically an operating system now), Tesla, Clif Bar, Lara Bars, Nintendo, Honda, Ford, Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, even the founding stories of countries like the United States and the Philippines and Japan and China and Australia, but we are kinda going way off topic from the stories of corporations. I also know a lot about the Beatles and how they were founded, and a lot of their songs.

Anyway, well I guess I don’t know all that much then. I don’t know much about Casio and how it was founded, or Panasonic or IKEA or Samsung or Netflix (but I was around when that used to be a mail in dvd rental company). But for the ones I do know, I can basically recite their stories from memory, and include a lot of crazy detail and information like full names of people involved and some background story of their lives. I am very knowledgeable in a lot of areas. Even if I don’t know the founding story of let’s say Casio, I know it’s a Japanese company, probably a hundred years old, they make calculators, watches, electric pianos and other electronics, basically I have a surface level knowledge of pretty much every company that the rest of the public knows.

There’s so many interesting and cool things I know too. People don’t know there are 4 founders of Twitter for example, and yeah I know some background story of each, one has been vegan since before the founding of Twitter for example. Another one of the founders, the other guys didn’t like so much, Noah Glass. He is the one that came up with the name Twitter (it was first called Twttr), and even the idea and concept of it, but the other founders didn’t like him.

Noah Glass was too energetic and lively and positive, and controlling and intimidating. I probably would not have liked hanging out with him either. I mean he is definitely an incredible person, but too much for me. I could not handle his personality.

The other guys didn’t like him much, so they kicked him out. He has the Twitter handle @Noah and his description is “i started this”, he made the first ever tweet ever which is “as we spoke she was driving through the sun soaked foothills of my childhood. On the actual road where I became a man...” and it has 153 retweets, 113 quote tweets, and 502 likes as of right now (9:25 PM). I am assuming it will gain more popularity as some people start to become more curious about Twitters history. But yeah it’s all so interesting! I know more about the story obviously and same for all those companies I just named, I know good details of each!

So that’s what I mean when I say I’m very knowledgeable. I can just talk about that stuff all day to be completely honest and I know so much details. I can just talk and rant about these companies and other things I am knowledgeable about all day. I didn’t even list all the things I knew about or whatever, just the ones I could recall in that moment.

My right middle finger itches a lot. It got stung by a wasp yesterday. I put my hand on a rock and didn’t know there was a wasp there, it stung me! I can do an image search of a wasp sting, and there are a ton of photos online of a wasp stinging someone’s hand. Who would actually model their hand to be stung like that and pictured? Anyway it’s not swollen or anything, just itchy.

This morning I posted one of my photos from yesterday. Not that I care much, but if only got 6 likes! What! I also posted it on Vegpal slack.

Throughout the day I just felt so good and then some mix of loneliness. Like the reason I went out and jogged and walked for a few hours was I felt so energized and good. As I walked though I felt so lonely. Like I was just walking alone. Look at that amazing view in the photo! It would be more amazing if I could hold a woman’s hands while waking though, that would have been infinitely more fun.

I probably burned over 3000 calories yesterday from the full 10 or so hours of physical activity I was doing, but I didn’t lose any weight at all. I used my entire body yesterday. I used it to walk, jog, jump, climb, I crouched, I grabbed ledges and pulled myself up, I took risks and did massive jumps that could have ended badly if they failed. I did fail sometimes and slid down a rock, but no injuries. Man what a super crazy day. Today too I walked a lot, and I pretty much just ate fruits only today. Still no weight loss the whole day. I don’t know what’s up with that.

Some days I am extremely sedentary and I lose weight. Yesterday I did extreme physical activities and lost no weight. Whatever.

I don’t know how anyone can live alone. I feel so lonely. I just want to sleep.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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