May 30, 2022

Another Rest Day

7:38 AM (of Tuesday, May 31st 2022)

Today is Monday, May 30th 2022 and it was Memorial day and a day off today. Basically I did not do much the entire day. I mainly just sat and chilled at home, and watched this anime and read the manga called Talentless Nana.

I think it's decent, it's about a young girl sent to an island filled with "talented" people who can do things like go back in time, use ice powers, fire powers, telekinesis, change gravity, resurrect the dead, predict the future, have immortality, shapeshifting, teleportation, etc. Nana has no powers and she's sent to this island basically to kill them all as requested by a secret government agency that wants to get rid of the "talented" because the threat they pose to the rest of society, and she does it one by one.

It's very suspenseful because how can a regular person with no powers defeat someone that can go back in time or know what will happen in the future? She does it mainly through deception. The "talented" people are just regular people who have superpowers, so most of them can still die through very normal means like through poison or pushing them off a cliff. The only exception is there is one guy who is immortal so he can never die.

It is crazy how there are websites up online where you can read the manga and watch the anime in HD for free and there are no ads. There is in particular one website I know that is crazy high quality, it has HD streaming of all the anime and it has the highest quality manga I have ever seen, with no ads, no spyware. What the heck?! It's such rare there are any websites like that. I discovered it only recently when I searched up places to read the Claymore manga. This website has it all, it is the best website I have ever seen that hosted this content. I'm not sharing it here of course, but the fact that such a website exists is quite crazy.

Anyway that's mainly what I did today. I also uploaded the lyrics for the Megawattz Music songs up. It's cool, I had to sync up the lyrics with the verses, and that was fun and easy to do. You have to press space bar and release it as the lyrics come up.

I also posted a new photo today, and I uploaded a new cover photo and a new profile photo for my Facebook.

For lunch I went out to Sabia Plant Based Eatery, it was my first time there. It was memorial day so pretty much the streets were empty everywhere and most other places were closed.

I wanted to do my taxes today too but I just didn't.

I also filled up my gas and asked them to put in $45, and it didn't even fill it up all the way. I also bought some acai.

Anyway that was pretty much my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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