June 1, 2022

First Song Is Live, Renewed Habitica Challenges, Lightest Weight Again

4:04 AM (of Thursday, June 2nd 2022)

Today is Wednesday, June 1st 2022 and it was an excellent day today, weird because yesterday wasn't so great! I felt so good today. This morning I woke up at around 4 AM and I coin flipped whether I should restart the Habitica challenges at that time, it said heads so I restarted the Habitica challenges as one of the first things I did this morning. I restarted it really early, the earliest I have ever started them!

I also checked my weight today and it was 184.0 pounds in the morning, but by the end of the day I had dropped down to 181.9 pounds which is the lowest I have weighed all year. That is amazing.

Actually the very first thing I did this morning was I checked to see if my song was up on all music platforms, and I did not really expect it to be, but holy molly, it was! Just doing a search for "Megawattz Music" now brings up the song "Gonna Wish You The Best (But This Is It) (Feat. Lexi Johnson)"! I listened to it a few times over and noticed it didn't have the lyrics up on Apple Music! So I checked out the distrokid site and it said that the lyrics weren't approved! So I had to do some editing and re-submit the lyrics. The lyrics were approved for the other songs though, but those songs won’t come out for a while.

In the morning I was so energetic and alive, I went out and walked around the neighborhood again for around 40 minutes. 40 minutes passed and it was now around 8:30 AM at this point and it was starting to get hot outside, so I went back in.

In the morning I did some work for Vegpal, and had my meeting with the interns again. Then I worked some more.

I’m not gonna lie, all this time went by so rapidly. It went by so fast, like I barely even noticed the time going by.

I spent a lot of the time talking to Don and AJN throughout the day. I also spoke to my dad and my mom and my dad has COVID, I forgot to write about that but I found this out yesterday.

The main work I was supposed to do was review the intern’s codes for Vegpal, so that’s what I did mainly. I reviewed and corrected them where appropriate, one of the interns did a bad job and just submitted some code that didn’t work without even testing it, so I scolded them a little, asking them to please test before committing, I hope they are fine with that. Other than that, we are waiting for the new version to be approved.

There’s so much that happened in the day, lots of tiny details. I actually did bite into a banana for example, but it didn’t taste ripe anymore, so I threw out all the bananas and all the rest of the fruits basically, so I have no food at home now except some water and some vegan protein powders, but I won’t eat those. I fasted the whole rest of the day. I walked around shirtless for most of the day too. I got some new friend requests today and I accepted them. I scheduled an oil change for my car tomorrow and I also asked Aloe if she could give me a haircut and beard trim tomorrow, she said sure.

I read some manga and watched some anime, not too much though.

I wrote to Wahl twice today. I was basically thinking about her most of the day today, and I told AJN and Don about her. Not her name of course, I called her Wahl too and just described her to them. They were both very happy for me and were hoping for the same things I was, that Wahl and I would meet and date and have fun. I am still not certain it’ll happen but I really wish for it to and I’ll do all I can for it to. She still hasn’t replied yet but I’m still waiting!

I talked to both Don and AJN about my weight and weight loss. I really have to lose all this weight. So I told them both that I’m fasting until Wahl and I meet up. I don’t know when that will be! I can’t wait to have more before and after photos though, I honestly believe I will look super hot once I lose weight, I want to look hot!!

I went to sleep very early at around 9 PM because I was so tired at that point and didn’t really feel like ding anything else.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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