June 3, 2022

Miracle of Miracles I Worked On My Taxes Finally

10:28 PM

Today has been quite a long day. I woke up at maybe 2 or 3 AM after falling asleep at 9 PM last night, and I had nothing else to do. I could have either read some manga or watched some anime, but instead, for some reason, and I don't know why, I just worked on my taxes today. And you know what? It was super easy. I got everything done. Sure it took me like 7 to 8 hours of straight working on it, but it was much easier than I expected, and I was able to do all the dreadful work that I had been procrastinating on for months.

I didn't start because I thought it would literally take me a whole week to do all this. It turns out it just took 8 hours of non-stop concentration. Actually, I probably didn't finish until like 12 PM, so maybe 10 hours of non-stop working. I don't know what motivated me or made me do this, I mean the work is kind of extremely boring. It's like the most boring activity in the world, and yet I was able to somehow conquer it. That's also another reason why I procrastinated so long on doing the taxes.

The taxes were due on April 15th by the way (actually I think it was extended to April 17th this year), except I got an even longer extension on it (6 month extension I think). And I didn't even look at anything related to taxes since April 11th or so when I signed the papers for this CPA to help me with my taxes and I asked him to sign me up for the extension and that I would get him the information he needed as soon as I can, and then I proceeded to procrastinate on that for two months. But yeah, I think it's a miracle of miracles that I worked on my taxes today. No one else in the world could have done it either, because only I have full knowledge of it, others might know a fraction but no one else the full picture.

But yeah, looking back on all that crazy work I did today, I can't believe I did it. 8-10 hours of straight exceptionally boring monotonous work. I literally did this today and even I am in disbelief as the person who accomplished this feat. I don't drink coffee either, actually I don't think I ate anything the whole time either. I did go to Mama Pacha's at 11 AM though. Coffee does have a lot of benefits, but in my opinion it disguises bad habits and artery clogging diets, people don't realize how much meat and animal products tires them and slows them down because they drink coffee to hide the fatigue it causes. It's so stupid that people kill and eat animals only to damage their health and they're so oblivious to the torture and lives destroy on a daily basis for entirely unnecessary purposes. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Anyway that was one of the proudest moments of my life this year that I was able to complete my taxes. I submitted them to the CPA and of course we are not done yet, I just basically completed like 95% of everything though. He will probably send me some questions and other things, and he did later today. I need to correct some things and re-submit them, and then we're good.

The entire day went by and in the afternoon I worked on some Vegpal items and a lot of NW items. I got into a few meetings today too. My Internet went out during a Vegpal meeting, and then it came back like 30 minutes later. I had another meeting later that afternoon with a Stealth Launch client and we chat for a while, and I got stuff done for them. Then I went over to Wal-Mart and bought some floss and some No Cow protein bars.

At home I was so energetic, I did over 100 knuckle push ups and probably over or around 100 arm curls with each arm with a 25 pound weight. I didn't even keep count how many I did of either of these, but I know I did a lot, likely over 100 of both.

So back in 2014 when I was trying to become the fastest typist in the world, yes the fastest person that can type on a keyboard, and I was probably in the top 100 in the world at that time, maybe the top 10 (I was always rank #1 on TypeRacer and beat everyone at the time, except for ArenaSnow2 aka Sean Wrona, the only person faster than me that I can remember). I remember hearing about PED's or Performance Enhancing Drugs, and I was like, how would this apply to typing? It requires dexterity and nimbleness of the fingers, in what way can a drug help with this? And I couldn't imagine any drugs helping with this skill. It would be cool if a performance enhancing drug existed for typing, but I don't think it exists or will ever exist.

One of the fastest typists of all time though was this woman who typed on a typewriter keyboard back in the 50s or 60s or 70s or 80s or something, a very long time ago! She passed away like 30 years ago or something. Anyway, on this typewriter she was able to type at like 180 words per minute or something, which I was still faster than at my prime, but it was so impressive still, because typewriter keyboards are far harder to type on that regular keyboards now.

Anyway the idea of performance enhancing drugs came up because I think coffee is a performance enhancing drug, or at least caffeine is. Then this idea just came to mind about how I imagined a performance enhancing drug for typing, but literally there's no way one would ever exist, but who knows.

The rest of the day I just chilled at home and listened to music. In Viejo San Juan there's a lot of people that just walk around alone. It's so weird. I've seen men and women sitting at a cool view spot just alone and just looking at the ocean. I can't imagine myself doing such an activity alone, it is better with a date or a lover.

I can't lie that I've been thinking about Wahl the whole day today. I have. I talked about her with Don and AJN a little again. Not even much, I basically just told them she hasn't replied yet and I'm so anxious but hopeful she'll read my message, reply positively, and we meet up. I can't wait. It's basically what I have been looking forward to the most this whole year.

Anyway that was my day today. I am so sleepy.

Written by JustMegawatt

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