June 5, 2022

Exceptionally productive day

4:30 AM

Alright I woke up at around 2:50 AM, and I didn't do much since then. I can't believe it's already 4:30 AM, so much time has passed. Basically during that time period I used the bathroom, weighed myself, checked social media, replied to some people, and I think that's it, the whole day so far. Now I'm going to be working on my taxes real time, and I'll write in my journal as I work on it.

First up is my personal taxes, I have to do some additional things.

4:42 AM

Wow I completely forgot I had a final exam today. There is a site I had to reset my password on and I was still not receiving the password reset email, so I emailed support again this morning. I had the same issue on Friday but they said to wait 24 hours, well it's been 48 hours now and still nothing, so I tried to reset it again and got nothing again, so I contacted them again. Anyway, I was going through all my folders in my inbox and then saw that I had some class fees due, so I am going to go ahead and pay that off now. While doing that, I noticed that I had a final exam open and due today, which is just crazy. I would have skipped it entirely probably if I didn't notice.

4:48 AM

Support emailed me very promptly which is incredible. Unfortunately they weren't able to help at all, telling me they sent a password reset email but I am not getting any at all.

4:54 AM

They replied again saying to check my spam folder... I checked every folder and there's nothing.

Also I just paid for my course this term. I need to take the final exam for this course later today. I am probably going to be taking a break from school for two terms after this. Maybe. Or I might resume to just taking 1 course a term. I doubt there are many remaining courses as easy as this though.

5:01 AM

Wtf lol, this is the worst support ever. They just emailed back after I told them that nothing is showing up in my spam folder to just make a new account. Are you serious?

5:08 AM

I guess that's it for personal taxes. I mainly tried to sign into that account to just verify some things. Other than that I guess, we should be all good. Time to work on my business taxes.

6:20 AM

Well I worked on both for a bit longer and was able to finish both I think, to the best of my knowledge. I sent them off to my CPA. I guess that's all I can do for today regarding these two topics. I'm gonna wait until tomorrow for any further updates.

7:26 AM

I got a bit sleepy after doing all that, so I took a nap for about 30 minutes. I've since checked social media and used the bathroom again in that one hour.

I'm now studying for the health psychology exam and I am taking it after studying just so I can be done with it and not have to worry about it later today.

9:15 AM

Done studying and taking the exam. I got a 94% on the final exam and overall in the class I got a B. Even though I got an A on all the tests and quizzes, I had many missing homework assignments (I would choose going to sleep over doing them) and so this is the highest my grade can go.

Anyway that's a major item completed.

I don't have much left to do in my to do list for the day except clean up my home and some Vegpal items. I already completed my personal and business taxes as much as I could, and I did my final exam.

I guess the next thing I can do is go out and hike with RW.

3:54 PM

Alright so I am back now. I was planning on hiking with RW today, but changed my mind. So I instead just got some acai smoothies and a pitaya bowl and exercised at home. I did 100 knuckle push ups again and 50 arm curls total with a 25 pound weight. I was gonna do 60 but I felt like 50 was enough. After that was when I ate the acai smoothies and the pitaya bowl, I just put them in the mini fridge and plugged the mini fridge in while I exercised.

Afterwards I was a little bored for a while. I browsed the Internet and social media for a bit, and then I took a nap. I woke up at around 2:10 PM and my Spanish tutor messaged me saying we had a lesson today. So I signed on and we started talking about things. I told her about how I had completed so many things the past few days such as uploading the songs and completing the majority of my taxes. I could have completed this stuff literally way back in January but I procrastinated. I told her how I completed my final exam today as one of the first things I did in the morning, which is kinda incredible because normally I would wait until last minute to do it. This time I did it early, and it didn't hurt, I felt no mental anguish from doing a boring task early.

That's a reason I procrastinate, is that it feels a little bit painful to do a boring task early for me, or at least it used to. Like doing a homework assignment early felt grueling and complicated and boring. So because of that pain, I would hold off until the last minute to do it, and then it wouldn't feel so painful. But today I did my exam early, and I studied for like an hour or two before starting the exam, so I did all that boring stuff today and did it well, wow!

We talked about a bunch of other stuff. Anyway. I am kinda bored right now. This is what happens when you are alone I guess. I often ask myself like what am I gonna do next? I could be doing more work right now, but honestly I am kinda feeling so exhausted from working. I don't know. I will work on Vegpal stuff again today most likely but I am just saying it feels very boring. I also can't walk outside because it's super hot out.

So yeah. Also I put sunscreen on today, my first time in ages.

8:57 PM

What else? I walked outside for an hour. I got to the park at around 5 PM and I thought they closed at 6 PM, so I pretty much only walked for 30 minutes and then I walked back another 30 minutes, thinking they were closing! But when I got back to the parking lot, a lot of people were still there. So I asked the security guard what time they would close, and she said 9 PM, every day. Wow! So they are apparently open from 5 AM to 9 PM every day. That's quite amazing, I did not know that.

When I got back home, I trimmed my beard. I think I look a lot better.

I also did laundry.

Anyway I am so sleepy now. Good night.

Written by JustMegawatt

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