June 6, 2022

Worked a bit, bought waist trimming belt

8:48 PM (of Tuesday, June 7th 2022)

Today is Monday, June 6th 2022 and it’s the first day I started feeling sort of good about my appearance again today. I woke up very early again and I worked very early again. I posted about putting sunscreen on in the morning on the Vegpal slack before even going outside. It’s fun just posting random stuff in that slack group!

I intended on fasting today, but I went out to Burlington to get a waist slimming belt, couldn’t find anything there. So I drove to Marshall’s and bought a waist slimming vest, the only thing I could find, and I also bought a bunch of vegan snacks too. When I got home I found out it was too small for me though. So I went back, with the intent of getting a larger size. Instead, I found two waist slimming belts, both were slightly different, thinking I would prefer one over the other and wanted to try out both, I got both.

Well throughout my walking around Marshalls I felt super attractive. Heck, when I walked outside I felt really attractive! I am was in my lower 180s today (maybe 181 pounds) and I just felt really good. I felt like women were checking me out maybe. I felt that way! Like I would make some eye contact with some women and they would smile! I just felt attractive! I felt sexy! I don't know how else to describe it.

At home I continued working I guess. I ate a bunch of the vegan snacks that I bought.

Oh yeah Wahl replied back today finally! And then I replied back to her a few hours later. I was so happy she replied back after like a week. I am super into her.

Anyway that's all that I remember basically.

Written by JustMegawatt

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