June 7, 2022

Worked a lot, felt attractive, walked outside, replied to Wahl

10:40 PM

Man what a long day. I am freaking exhausted. Exhausted! I woke up at like 3 AM or maybe like 2:30 AM today. I worked on Vegpal security items and also adding this extra package to Vegpal today. That took me such a long time to do. I didn't finish these things until 10:30 AM and even then I wasn't done because there was some issue that came up. So I worked on this for like 7 hours, holy moly, and that was even before the day started.

I met with the Interns again for our morning stand up and we talked about our tasks and stuff like that. I am the leader of the stand up and I have to lead it and stuff, yay.

Wahl replied to my messages from yesterday at like 11 AM today. I saw what she said during the notification previews without even opening the message or having them marked as “seen”, so i kind of brainstormed what I would reply back. I wanted to send her a picture of what I looked like, so I took a selfie and asked Don if I looked good in it. He said to wear better clothes, so I did, and took another selfie. He said that one looked great! Cool! I coin flipped whether I should set that as my Story on facebook and it said heads, so I did.

This story got a lot of views, 36 views right now as I type this. I got messages from 3 women and they said things like "wow" and "looking good, congratulations!" and then I got some thumbs ups and hearts from other women, including Lia who left a heart. Maybe I got a thumbs up from a guy, a lot of guys did view my story too but I don't think any of them interacted with my post in any way, like I didn't get a message or thumbs up from any guy I think.

Anyway I didn't even think much of this photo. It's just whatever. But a few hours later I felt confident enough to send it to Wahl, because I had just received like some messages from women saying I looked good and all. So I replied back to Wahl and wrote really long messages because I was so happy to talk to her, and I sent her the photo as well and said something like "just so you know what you're signing up for, this is what I currently look like now!" and then the image, and then I talked about how I was still trying to improve myself and my appearance every day and hoped to look even better for her arrival.

I wrote extremely long messages to Wahl by the way. Like longer than the previous paragraph, or likely longer than that. And I wrote a few messages like that! Anyway I just felt really good. I hope she reads it and replies well to the messages. She already replied really well to that one message when I told her a bunch of romantic things and talked about us dating and the possibility of being in a relationship and stuff, and she replied positive to that, but yeah, we have to finalize this date of when she's going to fly here.

Anyway the rest of that time I just worked. I worked on both NW and Vegpal tasks until I felt like going out at around 5:40 PM, the sun was starting to go down, but I still put on sunscreen. I just walked around this one park and I passed by like a hundred or so people walking down this path. I felt really attractive though, I felt women looking at me, I would make eye contact and the person would sometimes smile! I don't know how to describe it. I just felt really good and hot and attractive going out and walking. I am not even in my best weight yet either though, I am still classified as overweight for my BMI. Like I'm not even close to normal weight yet.

Anyway when I got back home, I ordered some vegan shirts that just say "Go Vegan" on it so that when I walk down these paths again, I can show that message to the hundreds of people i walk by, and hopefully they consider sparing the lives of animals and choose meals that don't have animals killed for them. If people were compassionate and rational, everyone would do this. It's pretty obvious the best choice is to choose not to cause intentional harm and suffering to others especially when it's entirely unnecessary, most people are just completely oblivious to the obvious or entirely apathetic, both terrible.

Oh yeah, Don closed his account temporarily today. When I got back home from walking I noticed his account wasn't up anymore! Don and I talked the whole day today, and he was the one that told me to change clothes because the first selfie I took was pretty crappy in casual clothing. But yeah I was so shocked that he was gone, so I kept trying to message him to come back (but obviously his account was gone so it wasn't going anywhere I think). Anyway he enables his account again after like an hour or two and I was so glad that he's back again.

Anyway I am very sleepy. Today was just a very busy day. I am not having any breaks either though. No breaks. I did stuff the whole day. I'm sleepy now.

That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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