June 14, 2022

Another "Recovery Day", Book Review Due, Messaged Wahl

7:43 AM (of Friday, June 17th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, June 14th 2022 and it was another "recovery" sort of day. I think I was trying to fast again today of course, but that didn’t happen.

In the morning though, I messaged Wahl and wrote a bunch of long and meaningful and romantic messages again. She read them shortly after but didn’t reply right away. I hope she replies well and positively like last time and that we do meet up and I take her out on a bunch of dates to romantic places.

I think today was also the day my book review for the book I commissioned to get ghost written would be due. I didn’t even read the book myself, but my dad did like a month ago, and he said it was good. He made some notes of some typos, but other than that he said the book was good. So the ghost writer gave me a month to read it myself and ask for any changes, but I never did, and today was the last day for it. So I ended up just saying the book was great and left a 5 star review. Now I need to sell the book.

I don't remember much else from today. I probably just worked and relaxed at home and watched Future Diary or continued to watch it. Maybe I mopped the floor today? Or maybe that was yesterday? Either way my home is a lot cleaner today.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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