June 19, 2022

Spontaneously went hiking, got called hot

4:44 AM (of Monday, June 20th 2022)

Today is Sunday, June 19th 2022 and it was a fun day today. The plan for the day was to go to a vegan farmer's market on Sunday, we have a few in a few different places on Saturday and Sunday I think, and meet up with AJN and two new people she wanted to introduce me to.

Well I woke up at around 6 AM, and I guess I just cleaned up the home a little, preparing for AJN’s arrival. I don't know what else I did in the morning. There was a vegan post that appeared on my Facebook wall showing animals getting slaughtered, and there were a bunch of dumb meat eater comments on there which I replied to. I probably posted a comment reply to around 20 people, only 3 of which replied back, and they got destroyed in the "comment debate" although I didn't really care that much.

I think it's really dumb that so many people are extremely ignorant and even foolish. Everyone posts the same exact arguments every single time though, none of it is new. There is nothing that I have heard that would ever justify killing and eating animals when it's entirely unnecessary, there are vegan alternatives that already taste the same, it is much healthier to be vegan, vegans have the lowest carbon footprint, and vegans even have the cheapest diet. It literally has all the benefits in the world, no downsides, even increased energy, and so on, it's kinda ridiculous people are so dumb. I mean just being vegan doesn't necessarily solve all of one's problems, health issues and such can still come up, but they can all still be resolved as a vegan, but it does basically have all the world's benefits with the only downside being the social aspect of it (standing out by being vegan).

I have been ready to head out since like 8 AM after I took a shower and put on sunscreen, but I just stayed at home I guess, working a little maybe, mostly on social media, waiting for Wahl to reply, and so on. I've been thinking about Wahl a lot.

At around 9 AM AJN texts me that she's getting ready to head out. So we plan on meeting up at this vegan farmer's market basically so later on AJN would come to my place for a few days so we can water fast, but she also wants me to meet two new friends, Brad and John. But yeah we don't head out until like 9:50 AM and I am just at home sitting and waiting, being bored out of my mind!

Yeah at like 9:50 AM or maybe 10:00 AM, I was like, I'm just gonna go there. So I get in the car and that's when AJN texts me that they're heading out to pick up Brad. I tell her nonchalantly "okay I'll start heading out then" implying if I wasn't already in the car. But yeah I was parked still and hadn't headed out yet.

I get to the vegan farmer's market and it's packed, a lot of people there. I park and just walk around and stand around. I go to some stands or stalls and check out some things. I see Anthony from Casa Vegana de la Comunidad and was about to greet him but he was talking some other people, so I walk away. There's some presentation under a tent and there's a lot of people gathered there, watching a demonstration of grinding up cacao or something, it was all in Spanish and I couldn't understand much. There was a very attractive woman in front of me and I didn't even notice until she turned around smiling and I was like wow. Go and walk around some more, I stand around some places, I buy a coconut, and then I talk to Anthony for a bit and he gives me two shirts.

After a while the group finally arrived, AJN and Brad and John. I meet them for the first time and we talk for the first time. Pretty cool guys, both are vegan as well. We walk around and talk for a bit, looking at different stands and stalls. I show them where I bought my coconut and they buy some too. We sit around and talk, walk around and talk, do things here for several hours. I guess this is what hanging out in the real world is like! I don't really do much of this since I stay at home indoors most of the time or if I go out, I am doing some activity with friends. But yeah we just literally walked and talked, and stood around talking, and met other people at different stalls, and so on, the whole time. I met this guy that randomly started talking to me, and he added me on Facebook.

After a while we decide to go hiking, so we went hiking! I'm kinda being lazy with the details, but yeah, we drive for like 40 minutes to go to this waterfall / hiking place, and we hike for a while. I loved it. I am having the time of my life. It was so much fun. John got stung by a stinging nettle and told us to watch out for it. And then we go to this pool of water and we jump in and swim for a bit. It's so much fun. I was not afraid this time. I think I hung out with some real "bros" today, they were both manly guys and had six pack abs, and so gentlemanly in their manner. As we were climbing up and John got stung by the stinging nettle, he told us to watch out and he held the plant back with his hands, opening the path so we can walk through because it would've been in the way, and I was so impressed by this. This is how a real gentleman acts!

Anyway we have some deep talks in this waterfall pool that we have to ourselves. But yeah I loved hanging out with these guys. I loved talking with them. So freaking amazing. They had a lot of clever insights too. Oh also, we find this mango tree before getting to the waterfall and start collecting up a bunch of mangoes. And we also collected mangoes on the way back.

Anyway that was also the first time that I didn't drive to a waterfall. Every other time I would be the driver. Anyway they drop me off at my car and then I go back home, AJN changed her mind about staying over again so I just go home alone, which was fine.

At home I was very tired. I posted up my new photo on Facebook and I got a bunch of likes immediately, all from women. One woman posted a gif of a person holding a sign that says "HOT" and another woman posted a gif of "LOVE IT"! So wow, I got called hot. Probably for the first time in my life? That's awesome.

Anyway I talk with Don for a bit. I also reply to Wahl, because she did reply to me at 11 AM today! Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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