June 15, 2022

NOT assailed by heat

Woke up at 6:40 am (five minutes before my alarm) and saw a text from my boss saying not to come into the office because of the excessive heat.


I went back to bed and conked out for two more hours. Life is good.

* * *

Pros to home life: So well rested!

Cons to home life: Microwaving ramen in pajamas instead of having lunch on the town

In this heat wave, I’ll take it. Also we finished post-production on [the Mediterranean project], and there were only minor bugfixes on [the bar project], so both got sent out today!

* * *

Today I saw a fly in the house, lazily soaring around. I was worried it was going to precipitate a household crisis.

At night I opened the fridge to take stock and I stepped on something small (it crunched softly under my bare foot). Thinking it was a piece of food, I looked down and discovered it was the fly, dead. Crisis solved! I threw it in the trash.

Written by Achaius

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