June 29, 2022

A surprisingly productive day, got 2 out of 4 annoying tasks done

5:28 AM (of Friday, July 1st 2022)

Today is Wednesday, June 29th 2022 and it was a good day today. Today was kinda exhausting though, not gonna lie. I drove around a bunch and I had a lot of work.

In the morning I walked for two hours at the park. This was a lot of fun. When I got back home, I did a bunch of knuckle push ups and leg raises, I didn't keep count. Also I can do chin ups now, I can do two of them! I don't know how or where or why I suddenly developed this ability, but yeah I can do chin ups now from a standing position, and two of them! I can somewhat do a pull up now too, but it's still quite hard. After that I took a shower.

I went over to UPS to try and pick up this package. It turns out they require a mask though, so I just drove there basically, stood in line for a bit, got told I needed a mask, and the I left. I checked my car to see if I had a mask there but I didn't. So I just went back home, and it was a long drive to UPS too.

Well I didn't go home right away, I drove around trying to find where I can do a Marbete (car tag). You have to do this every year and mine expires soon. I drove to a bunch of different car garages and places, but they either had long lines or didn't provide the service or they were really sketchy After a few hours I found the least sketchy place, but there was a long line there, so I just went home instead. At home I worked on stuff I guess.

I called up that insurance place and paid my insurance on my home. I got two out of 4 of the "annoying tasks" done. One is the UPS, and the other is paying off this thing. The other two are the Marbete and paying off another thing. I got the marbete done tomorrow (Thursday).

I might've drove back to the park again later that night and walked around again. Obviously I thought about Wahl most of the time today, I hope she's doing fine. I can't wait to receive her new messages. She didn't reply to my messages the whole day today.

Oh yeah Don and I got into a minor argument for no reason. He's giving me the silent treatment for a bit but I assume he'll be back to his senses and message me again, and we'd start chatting again like always.

I think that was my whole day today in a quick summary.

Oh yeah I was able to get a mask by going to a gas station convenient store and asking them for one, they said it was $5 for ONE mask, and when I said no thanks, the guy said that was alright and just gave it to me for free, wow! I went back to UPS after that and was able to get my package. It's a $300 keyboard that has really steep learning curve to use. I can't even plug it into this laptop because they don't have a USB 2.0 thing, but I can plug it into my other laptops. The thing is that my other laptops are for work, so that would just slow me down if anything.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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