June 30, 2022

Got Marbete Completed, Worked a Bit, Walked 3 Hours

9:56 PM

Whew. Today is the last day of June and it's been an amazing day today. I feel amazing and fantastic, but also a little bit sad and lonely. It's hard to explain. I feel phenomenal in terms of my health and energy, I just walked outside for 3 hours today, I feel invigorated and alive. But at the same time I am just here alone at home and typing this up on the floor of my yoga mat and I feel some heartache and dread emotionally, even though I feel fantastic physically. Well let's come back to this later. Let me go over this very eventful and productive day today.

I woke up at around 3 or 4 AM today. Yup, that early. I proceeded to work on stuff for Stealth Launch for a few hours. At around 6:30 AM, I started driving to the park and I walked there for 2 hours while listening to some dating audiobooks and music. I would switch it between the two when I got bored of hearing the dating advice and sometimes started listening to music and dancing along. It's very fun to do this. I started this habit of walking here in the morning for 2 hours just recently and it's been a lot of fun. It is depressing when I think about walking alone though, and I do walk alone, not only because I'm single, but also because everyone else is basically at work during these hours so I'm pretty much the only person walking the whole time.

Anyway I like walking from the park to the beach, and it's a 1 hour walk roughly one way. I'm listening to some audiobooks I've listened to before. When I switch it up to music I start dancing while I'm walking and I appreciate the sun and the air and the trees and nature and all that, and I take it all in with the music. There's basically three songs I've been listening to on repeat the whole time: No Sleep by Bossfight, Sorairo Days English Cover by Amalee, and You're The Best I've Ever Had by Megawattz Music, yeah I did that last song. Anyway I just switch between these songs while walking, with me listening to my own song the least, and probably listening to the other two equally as much as each other which is a lot. Like I could be walking for 30 minutes and the song No Sleep just plays on repeat the whole time while I'm walking and dancing.

No Sleep is actually quite a depressing song, and I have it playing in my head constantly. Like it's playing in my head right now. I sort of vibe with the lyrics, I don't agree with the part that "I wish I were someone else", I love being me and I wouldn't switch places with Elon Musk or Bill Gates any other person. I would prabbly switch with Steve Jobs though, I'd love to be Steve Jobs haha, though he's dead now. I'd like to keep my name and appearance and everything else the same though, just like, switching lives with Steve Jobs would be fun.

So after walking I go ahead and go home. At home I take a shower or whatever, put on some sunscreen, and then have a meeting with an Intern. The other intern is sick. Maybe I should actually just use nicknames for them? Zho and Wu. Anyway I met up with Zho because Wu was sick. After that, i go and do the marbete.

Oh so that's what Marbete means. I just used Google Translate and Marbete means tag. Duh. It's basically a car tag replacement or whatever. I don't freaking know what it's for, other than you have to register it every year and pay $200 so you can get this sticker to put on the windshield of your car, and removing the previous one. It's different from vehicle registration. I really don't know what it is for... But yeah, I go to the place that does it, and there's this small line there. I chill and stand there for a bit.

At some point this woman walks by and she's looking attractive. She stands behind me in line so I start chatting her up. We start talking for a bit and then she playfully goes "why are you talking to me?" in Spanish and giggling. I said a really stupid thing as a reply to this. I basically didn't know how to say what I wanted to say in Spanish because I forgot the words, and she was like leaning in and asking what I was saying while I was stuttering to say the word. Oh wow I just looked up the word and I did not even know that was the word at all, like I would never have gotten that, it's not that I forgot the word, I didn't even know the word. Sigh. I just killed the whole conversation that and I lost the mood, I was like forget it. So we just stood in line the rest of the time.

We sort of became acquaintances though, she helped me out at some point later on. Anyway kinda boring to describe all this, but I go into the office when it was my turn to go in, and I talk to the guy in Spanish. Man I can barely understand what anyone is saying. Anyway he says to withdraw $206 from a nearby ATM and to come back. So I do that. I fill out some forms and pay the money, and then sit back down outside. The woman is pretty much sitting next to me and we're chill the whole time, I never talk to her again but she talks on the phone a few times and she's super loud and confident, I think intentionally. I just listen to her conversation while sitting I guess, trying to decipher what she's saying. There's also a bunch of other people with us here by the way, like 10 other people besides us sitting around, but I am only writing about her. This was just a random fun thing that happened today.

At some point a guy tells me to bring the car over. I get in the car and bring it over and I chill there for a bit with the door open. He eventually comes back and says some stuff in Spanish and I have no idea what he said. I was like "uh okay" and then he goes off. He comes back later and says some other random things and I am like, "uh okay" but in Spanish, I guess I said something like "ok, sí" which I think is the equivalent. Anyway the woman comes by later and just translates for me, and then I got it... He said that I didn't need to do the car emission test this year and I could do it next year. So they refund me $11 and I go and park the car again and chill again. After a while they give me my marbete (tag) and I drive home.

At home I chill for a bit again. I think I take a nap. And then I work for a while. I complete some stuff for Stealth Launch.

At 4:30 PM I have a meeting with NW. This was the most fun meeting I've had with them. This is supposed to be work related only but we went on a lot of tangents. I talked about a lot of random stuff like housing prices, pensions, physics, retired people, plastics, space, even veganism. Amazing stuff. I have some opinions and whatevers on all these, and that's what we talked about. They brought up 3d printed houses first and I just talked about the logistics of that, and that's how we went off into a tangent about housing prices, and how older people had pensions and they could buy a house with a year's salary, somehow we started talking about space travel and I was like that's not really feasible due to physical limits, and so on, and wow it was crazy fun. They let me talk the whole time and I just talked about that stuff.

Then I work on more stuff again.

After that I drive over to the park. There's a lot of traffic so I call up Lia because she needed help with something Vegpal related. She says she's out at the moment and she'll text me when she gets back home. I arrive at the park and just start walking for a bit, and then she calls me.We try to do it over the phone, but it's complicated, so we decided to just work on it when I got home. I walk for another two hours at night and it's fun, the same thing as the morning except now I am more tired. I get some acai at a checkpoint because I was so tired and thirsty. I could have gotten water, but didn't, I had to just opt for the fancy option.

Anyway two hours later, I go home, and message Lia, and then we get on a call and work on this item togetehr. She thanks me a bunch for helping her on it, and then she does a virtual high five with me. Yeah! And then that basically brings us up to the present.

Now I feel a little sleepier after having typed all that. I haven't mentioned Wahl up until now, but I have basically been thinking about her a lot especially during my walks while listening to the dating audiobooks.. Man I am so infatuated. I think she's like the best person in the world and really hope that we start dating. I can't wait for her replies. Anyway I am so sleepy.

That was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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