July 9, 2022

Pool Side Thoughts…

So, I started this journal the other day and then I brought myself to my grandmother’s pool for some relaxation and rest and didn’t realize that I wouldn’t have internet unless I’m outside. Well, in the heat that the climate change has brought me, it was 101 outside yesterday and the heat index said it felt like 116 degrees F. Yeah, it was hot. Today it’s only in the 80’s F range, but it still feels like it’s 100. One of the many things I hate about living in The South is the heat. It only gets better when there is ice on the ground and even that doesn’t seem to last very long.

On better notes, I am enjoying my time at the pool. I need to do some planning since I am teaching new teachers to my school district about classroom management and how to deal with the students that we have in our district. I’ve got a plan, but I need to run it by my older kid to see what she thinks first since she did graduate from this school and she knows it better than the rest of my family. I’ll just suck it up tomorrow and finish all of my planning so that I’m good to go for this presentation on Tuesday.

The pool is relaxing when I can tune out the heat…or when the wind blows for a while. I hear the wind in the trees around the neighborhood and I can see the water moving around across from me. It’s just peaceful. Someone is cooking on a grill and it is making me hungry, but I do have leftover pizza in the fridge inside the pool house.

I finished reading Elevation by Stephen King yesterday. It wasn’t one of my favorite books of his. I felt like i had to force myself to finish the book just because it was on the shorter side of books, and because I’m doing a Stephen King reading challenge, so I need to read all of the books listed.

Today, I am working on three main books at once just so that I can switch things up as I go when I really need a change. I think I’m going to start a running list of the books I’ve read this year and the order I read them in on here so that I have something to track them in my journal and so that I don’t have to keep a paper copy anymore. I’ll separate things by month, just so I can later tell what month I read the most, etc.

I’m attaching a photo of my view from the side of the pool…just so that those that happen to read this can have a view into the world I’m sweating it out in just for the internet access. (It’s cooler in the shade right now than in the pool or I’d be in the pool.)

I’ll likely write more later…or at least start that book list.

Written by ARTransVet

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