July 9, 2022

More Hiking Again, Slipped and fell a bunch of times, got injured

5:10 AM (of Sunday, July 10th 2022)

Today is Saturday, July 9th 2022 and it was another fun day of hiking today. Today was my longest hiking day so far and it was also the most dangerous.

I woke up at maybe 3 AM or 4 AM, I don’t even remember. And I don’t even remember what I did either. I didn’t work on Vegpal or anything else technical. Oh, I think I spent some time writing Friday’s entry and my call with Wahl. Yeah. So I did that in the morning. I did some other tasks too, like cleaning the sink I think, and did some random social media browsing.

RW (RadicallyWild) texted me a bit before 6 and made a joke saying he was already at the meeting spot, I said I’d be there in an hour. I messaged Wahl a heartfelt message about our conversation from last night before I headed out.

I arrive at the meeting spot at 7:18 AM or so and he still hasn’t arrived yet. So annoying. It irritates me that he’s late all the time. Our meeting time is supposed to be at 7:00 AM so technically I am late too, but I told him I’d be there at 7:20 so we adjusted our meeting time to be that, and he was still super late, arriving at around 7:30 AM or so.

Anyway we set our course to the new place we were gonna hike at and started driving. The drive was fun and we talked a lot again. It’s so much fun talking to this guy.

We are both atheist and vegan and we just can’t rationalize any reason why anyone would be religious or why anyone would be unnecessarily cruel and evil by killing and eating animals. Like if anyone spent a few minutes thinking about their holy book, how all the characters are likely 99.99% fiction and never existed, they’d realize it was all nonsense. Then there’s so many vegan options and meat alternatives available everywhere that it’s really really dumb and evil and idiotic anyone kills and eats the corpses of tortured animals still, considering all the environmental and ethical and health destruction such an act causes.

We just had to realize majority of the world is just closed minded unfortunately. But at the same time, we concluded people can change and reach epiphanies at some point, just like how we did, it is just really ridiculous how slow people are though, people are not rational beings.

Anyway we went to a familiar waterfall we’ve been to once before that was on the way to this new waterfall. We walked a few minutes to get to this waterfall and chilled at the pond or lake there. It’s a pond I think because it’s pretty small and shallow, maybe 20-30 feet at the deepest, but that begs the question of when does a pond become a lake? I don’t even know, there’s just this body of water where this waterfall goes into.

I actually sat at the side there and a bunch of fish came up to my feet and started eating the dead skin from it. That was such a cool experience. I recorded a video of it to upload to my Facebook story.

Anyway we drove to this new place and got lost a few times as always. The GPS here is not at all reliable and you have to stop and ask for directions. This is a necessity here.

Anyway we eventually found the place and parked. Here is now the longest and most difficult hike I’ve gone through. The way up there was easy because the rocks were dry and grippy. There were also times where we had to swim in the water. Anyway it took us like an hour or two to get up to the waterfall at the end, first picture.

The way back down was treacherous. It rained while we were swimming and having fun at this waterfall and that made all the rocks slippery and not great to stand on or walk on at all. On the way back down, I slipped and fell a bunch of times, probably more than 10 times and it hurt. Like it’s falling on solid rock. It sounds so tame but if I hit my head, I’d be knocked out, if I was next to the water I’d be dead if my nose and mouth were submerged. I wrote some stuff to the Vegpal Slack already so I’m just gonna copy and paste what I wrote there.

“Went hiking a bunch again today. It rained in the middle of it and the rocks became so slippery, I slipped and fell so many times. Got injured quite a bit probably, but I don't know since I don't feel anything now but might feel very sore tomorrow.

The worst injury was when I slipped and slid down rapidly like 20 feet here and just came to a sudden stop at the end. I couldn't stop myself from sliding no matter what I did and wow it was so painful to every body part hit when I came to an instant stop. I screamed really loud because it was so painful, but was able to recover after a minute and hiked like 2 hours to get out of there”

I left out the description of which body part was hit. It was my butt. Some edge of a rock was protruding out or something and stopped my sliding. That was excruciating pain as you can imagine. I slid down this rock rapidly and came to an instantaneous stop with my butt hitting some rock. That was so painful.

Anyway I felt pissed at RW after this because he just freaking left and kept going after this. Wtf. What a prick. I was so pissed the entire hike down because he was nowhere in sight. He basically just left me and then made some asshole comments about how I was too slow in the end. Dude the rocks were so slippery and dangerous. I got back down mostly by getting in the water and swimming down almost instead of traveling by rock. I considered never hiking with him again after this as I was so angry the whole way back down. But I changed my mind.

We went to Cactú after this which is a vegan restaurant on the way back to our meeting spot. First thing I ate all day today. I loved it. It tasted so amazing.

On the drive back we talked a lot and had fun again. Even though I was pissed earlier I decided to forgive him. I’m gonna text him that I’m not gonna go hiking with him if he is just gonna leave me in the dust like he did after I was injured. He also asked me to take pictures and videos of him a lot today. I only asked for a few photos but he kept asking me to take a photo or video of him every 5-10 minutes. So these things really just annoyed me today.

At home I chilled. I felt so relieved to be able to sleep. I thought about Wahl. Did she reply to my text this morning? My service was out the whole day today so I’d have no idea if she replied.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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