cataclysms leaderboard watch hub - 2023-08-07

One-week check-in! Karasu, the first of Rav’s kids to reach #1 on the leaderboard, has passed away from old age. That leaves Stahlhast as the only 2k stud on the market (until Silk Sonic hits 2k). The other noteworthy change is that DuskRaven has fallen off the board—he rolled for the first day of the event, gained zero stats, and then dipped—and his spot was taken by his half-brother Erathor.

Here’s the current board, reflecting stat gains since the beginning of the event. Caspian’s stat gains are underreported since I didn’t record his July 31 stats. The dude has been 7+ years old since Reinhardt was young, so I didn’t expect him to roll consistently and mega push. Godspeed sir. 

update: Caspian got diarrhea lmao 

[5:07 PM] Axl: Of course he'd get sick on his last day

[5:21 PM] Oriiiion: Mans gotta go out somehow

[5:30 PM] Lionel: he died as he lived, or something

[6:07 PM] Axl: He decided to leave throwing all of his remaining shit, literally lol

Log Entry by Achaius

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