cataclysms leaderboard watch hub - 2023-08-31

End of month report! (tbh I did a lot less leaderboard watching than I did last year; perhaps I didn’t need a whole containment zone) These stats were recorded at 1 am, an hour before rollover, so they may be slightly inaccurate if anyone was up until RO last-minute grinding.

The three big guarana users are obvious (and Rhallwyn/Zoey are particularly impressive considering they started on August 11). However I’m quite happy to be #2 in gains among non-drug leads, and almost as much as Dzanek, WD’s straightedge king.

As a public stud, Stahlhast has been an absolute megapup machine. He was churning out 1000s for regular pack members. Amalthea (who missed the last couple weeks of the event) logged in today to stud to him and get the biggest pups Wolvden has ever seen; Pipsqueak, the largest, is 1123 stats. A few hours later, Zoey studded to him and shattered the world record again with 1190 stats.

Meanwhile, Armitage quietly made his stud debut a couple days ago. I decided to charge a modest 5/2000 fee (same as Silk Sonic; doubt I can get away with more in the current market). He’s gotten two stud requests already. Once Stahlhast/Frostwalker go on post-event hiatus I expect business to pick up.

*estimate based on birth stats (969)

Log Entry by Achaius

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