cinematic - 2020-07-13

The entrance to the school was down a long, dark tunnel hewn into the rock of the snowy mountain. In a small alcove, there was a wooden box filled with pamphlets; you'd take one. (The pamphlets were covered in creepy, incomprehensible text.) Farther down the tunnel, there was another alcove with another wooden box. You'd stick the pamphlet into the slot in the box, and the pamphlet would get pulled into the box, and you'd get pulled along with it, through the earth into the school halls underground.

The detective, a grizzled middle-aged man in a heavy coat, followed the procedures as he walked down the tunnel. He respected the schoolchildren who did this as a matter of course, but he was also somewhat concerned for them; what effect would this have on their minds?

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A scene farther down the mountain: An ice-lined tunnel, with a bright red monster/mouth embedded in the ice, thrashing as it consumed something or someone.

Definitely not a good place for children.

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Even farther down, a room of young adults sitting at computer screens, taking a standardized test. As they finished their tests, they got up, some of them holding hands. This was the gay cop academy, i.e. a cop academy that only admitted gays.

Log Entry by Achaius

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