cinematic - 2020-09-02

Nebben and I were trying to infiltrate an enemy manufacturing plant. It was an imposing structure high on a hilltop, with security checkpoints on the incoming roads.

I was trying to case the joint, looking for possible points of entry, but Nebben hauled me off to the cargo yard. His plan was to pretend we were delivering a shipment of raw materials: one of us would be the deliveryman, and the other would hide inside the cargo shipment. I was a bit skeptical (did they not inspect cargo shipments?) but he was very confident and I had no better ideas.

He had to go check on something, so he left while I hung around the entrance lobby, trying to look inconspicuous. He was taking a long time. I started to get nervous. Then, from across the lobby, I saw my old rival/nemesis Daniel, and he saw me. This was bad news. Daniel, of course, knew I was no engineer and belonged nowhere near a facility of this sort, and he could easily deduce I was up to no good.

I backed down a corridor away from his gaze (though, what good would that do? he'd already spotted me) and ran into one of the lobby receptionists. "Can I help you?" she asked, her tone plainly suspicious. Shoot. I'd been hanging around the lobby too long. I mumbled some excuse and quickly ducked into the men's restroom to buy some time.

When I exited the restroom, Nebben had finally returned. I quickly explained the situation with Daniel and that we had to scram before he blew our cover. We started to leave, but a squad of robots materialized and surrounded us. This was Daniel's personal robot squad; obviously he had figured out our plan and had sicced his robots on us to prevent us from escaping.

I was panicking, but Nebben was cool. He pulled out a scooterboard (is this what took him so long to find?) and sat down, and I stood on the back, hanging on to him. Together we rocketed away from the plant, outspeeding the robots and dodging their lasers.

Log Entry by Achaius

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