cinematic - 2020-11-20

It was the first day of the semester, and I was on campus, getting lunch at the local convenience stand. They didn't have an actual kitchen, but you could pick out your cup ramen and they'd heat it up for you. Very convenient. Except I took too long deciding what to get, and they closed for the day. Also I realized I left my mask at home. Whoops.

I spent the next few hours walking aimlessly around campus, pulling my suitcase behind me through random college buildings. It felt so good just to be out of the house and walking. Periodically I'd get self-conscious about my lack of mask. Technically, I could be kicked out of any college building at any time for not wearing a mask; and also, I wouldn't be able to attend class without one. I would need to get some kind of makeshift face covering.

I walked and walked until I realized it was past 3 pm and I had missed my first class. Whoops. Not the best way to begin the semester. (But man, it felt so good to walk.) I realized I didn't want to go to classes at all. Maybe this college thing was all a dream? Yeah, it was a dream. Good. No classes.

I took off walking across the nearly abandoned quad.

Log Entry by Achaius

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