food experiment log - 2024-10-05

Chorizo sandwich

Decided to try out chorizo. Based on the packaging and general appearance, I thought it was going to be cooked, cased sausage, ready for slicing and putting on a sandwich. Instead it was uncased, raw, and crumbly. Not a problem; I was just surprised.

  1. Pan-fry chorizo in pan with a bit of olive oil. (No additional seasoning needed.)
  2. Pan-fry bread in the chorizo juice.
  3. Assemble sandwich with bread, chorizo, and mozzarella cheese (probably not the optimal cheese, but it’s what I had on hand).


It was good—definitely worth repeating. Future thoughts: (1) Sandwich-wise, one could also toss in an egg. (2) It would be great in potato blob.

Log Entry by Achaius

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