pokemon go buddy log - 2020-11-03

big boy Baelsar is now maxed as well. Waiting on Niantic to fix snapshots so I can get a good pic. Hopefully it's fixed by Thanksgiving.

Since he's #10, here's an updated list of best buddies:

  1. Vindaloo the Tepig (March 8, 2020)
  2. Meracydia the Hydreigon [lucky] (March 28, 2020)
  3. Eli Ever the Luxray [shiny] (May 12, 2020)
  4. Einkorn the Conkeldurr [100%] (May 26, 2020)
  5. Risotto the Lucario [100%] (June 1, 2020)
  6. ice kachang the G.Darumaka (August 7, 2020)
  7. Chinatsu the Weavile [shiny] (September 2, 2020)
  8. Cabeswater the Latios [shiny][lucky] (September 3, 2020)
  9. Arkbuster the Sharpedo [shiny] (October 14, 2020)
  10. Baelsar's Wall the Bastiodon (November 1, 2020)

On my alt:

  1. Jackanape the Riolu (June 20, 2020)
  2. Mr. Ogodobo the Scrafty (August 2, 2020)
  3. Polyglot the Hydreigon (September 15, 2020)
  4. mac and bees the Ninjask (September 23, 2020)
  5. lamp champ the Chandelure (October 18, 2020)
  6. Klinklang (October 29, 2020)

Log Entry by Achaius

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