razanei's raiders - 2022-04-25

Wavecrest is here! Surprisingly I haven't run out to buy any water dragons. Out of the skins I like, I'm saving the male and female imperial skins for future children of Yuanzhang/Galtan (or maybe just one skin for a child, and the other skin for their mate; I've got plenty of time to decide). I went auction house surfing for an obelisk to wear the kraken skin, but none of them seemed to fit. Finally, I snagged a copy of the guardian skin, but I'm not sure whether I want to use it, since it's a full coverage skin.

Nevertheless, we've got three new pack members:

  • Nimul, multi-gaze coatl. White shimmer + white underbelly almost look like a basic secondary and tert, but the pups can still be fancy, in the same way that argent is white for people who don't want t1s in their pack.
  • Zenobia, coatl (Nimul's girlfriend): Technically the pack elder because she's 4 months old irl. Her old owner stopped by to say thanks for buying her, which was nice.
  • Unnamed obelisk cloud puppy: This is who I got when I was supposed to be out looking for kraken candidates. He doesn't wear it well, but he scries nicely with Zan. Maybe one of his sons will be a kraken.

Log Entry by Achaius

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