razanei's raiders - 2022-05-12

It’s kinda fascinating how Flight Rising has a whole culture built up around G1s, but for totally different reasons than Wolvden.

Wolvden’s NBW culture is based on stat and lineage concerns. It’s a point of pride among stat breeders to push the envelope as far as possible with every generation. Also, the playerbase at large is extremely squicked out by inbreeding (even if it’s, say, 10 or 15 generations back), and keeping lineage short and studding to NBWs makes it easier to avoid. But FR has no stat inheritance to worry about. As for inbreeding, the game prevents it within five generations, and past that point no one knows or cares. Does my G30+ imp share any common ancestors with her girlfriend? I have no clue. It’s a carefree life.

Nevertheless, G1s are big business. Unhatched eggs sell for ludicrous amounts of cash. People will buy up dozens of eggs for birthdays or special events and liveblog all the hatches. Some people take pride in having G1 lairs, or have special caves to showcase their G1s. There seem to be three big reasons people like them:

  • Dragon gacha! When a G1 dragon egg hatches, its colors are completely random. Will you get something ugly or cute? Who knows! It’s exciting!
  • Rarity of color combos: Bred pups often have parents selected to produce harmonious offspring. For instance, there are over 30K dragons with XXX phthalo. It’s a popular combo that has been bred for over tens of generations. But if a G1 landed XXX phthalo on a totally random roll, that would be wild and people would pay out the nose for it.
  • Project pups: G1s all hatch with basic genes. If you see a G1 with expensive genes, someone paid a ton of money to apply them. It’s kind of a flex. (I’m experiencing this with Razanei right now. Buying him bee + wasp genes = 2700g. Buying a random hatchling with bee + wasp genes = 6g.) Additionally, if your G1’s colors are unworkable, you can buy scatterscrolls (at an exorbitant gem cost) to reroll them completely…and probably get something else ugly. People spend untold amounts of gems on this. Gotta have something to do with one’s gems, right?

Having said all that, I get it but I don’t get it. I can’t imagine having or even wanting a G1 lair. They’re not better than any other dogs. I’m willing to splash out for Razanei because he’s my one and only pack leader, but in general I’d much rather spend 6g than 2700g. But it’s fascinating to watch the amounts that people are willing to throw around to hatch and buy G1s.


Unrelatedly, here's Varcolac, son of Razanei and Chibundu. First keeper pup born in pack! Also technically my first completed gene project because Razanei's still missing his primary and Chibundu needs a tert.

Log Entry by Achaius

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