razanei's raiders - 2022-05-29

So many pups to name. I’ve got Wolvden and Flight Rising pups to name and my name-well has run dry.

Naming fodder pups in FR that are from my own lines is a lot more highkey than in Wolvden, because both the parents and the pups will live forever and all the names will remain in the family list forever. Family list aesthetics are kind of a big deal on FR. Nobody cares if your dog is inbred, but if they have unnamed offspring it’s the cardinal sin. It tanks your dog’s selling price.

But yeah I think of a good name and then I’m like “what if I want to use this on a keeper pup later” and I leave without naming anyone rip. I should get less picky. Repeating pup names is probably not a big deal unless it’s obnoxious, like all the pups from a single litter being named the same thing.

Naming tc fodder is a lot more chill because I don't have to see the names anywhere afterwards. Lotta cute fodder coming through here lately. Here's Malibu, Dracula, Cicada Lullaby, and Moogle.

Log Entry by Achaius

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