razanei's raiders - 2022-06-20

[Plans for future pack acquisitions]

in before I wing off and impulse buy/breed a bunch of permas totally not on this list lmao

Breeding plans:

  • [Razanei x Zanarkand]: Male with capsule (to breed change to spiral) (capsule on spirals is so good, you can see it pooling in both loops)
  • [Nirbubg (daughter of Varcolac) x Garamsythe]: This is a minor breeding project to improve the species diversity of Razanei’s family tree. His son Varcolac had a spiral girlfriend, and they had a spiral daughter, Nirbubg. Now Nirbubg has an obelisk boyfriend, so we’ll see how that turns out.
  • I’m making it a thing that Varcolac is really into spirals. All his girlfriends will be spirals.
  • Nirbubg and Garamsythe (her obelisk bf) are not permas, but depending on how their litters go, they might be here for a while.
  • It’s wild that Razanei will soon be a great-granddad. Family tree go brr when stat inheritance doesn’t exist and I don’t have to wait until late in life to breed. For family tree aesthetics I should probably ease up on the uncontrolled downward growth after this generation.
  • Male nocturne to wear [Accent: countertenor]: I don’t have a specific breeding pair for this, but between Ancalagon/Cygni, Decoy/Almagest, and their daughter, I’m sure someone will turn up.


Purchase plans: (these may overlap somewhat)

  • Bogsneak or male spiral with radio capsule (not XXX)
  • Male nocturne to wear [Accent: far and away] (we love impulse buying old fest skins. it was cheap! (35g))
  • Female wildclaw to wear [Accent: Steelhound] (not yet bought) (not sure what color profile I want for this, but it’s probably not blurple)
  • Male spiral with ghost (an all-around great tert, but spirals wear it best)
  • Edgy aberration
  • Polypore aberration
  • Someone with copper bee
  • Underrepresented genes: pharaoh/sarc, sludge/slime, butterfly, koi, filigree


Current progen family tree:

Log Entry by Achaius

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