razanei's raiders - 2022-07-01

Even though I don’t have a formal family register, I’m going to keep track of all the new permas I get this month. Gotta see how fast my den is expanding. Will update throughout the month.

Bought: (7)

  • Ambergris (July 1, 7g): female abbe | cerulean pharaoh | cerulean sarcophagus | cyan polypore
  • Pharaoh/sarc and polypore are some of my favorite genes, so it’s surprising it took me this long to get any. Last night I saw Ambergris being advertised in the find-a-dragon forum. The seller was like “make me an offer” and I considered DMing to offer 20-25g, but decided it was too much effort. Today I refreshed Ambergris’s page and saw her on the AH for 7g so I yoinked her.
  • Jazz (July 5, 15kt): female spiral | radioactive slime | fuschia sludge | cerulean capsule
  • mmm radioactive slime. She scries surprisingly well with Varcolac. is that boy finally going to get a steady girlfriend
  • Kit (July 7, 7g): male wildclaw | caramel tiger | hickory myrid | flaxen glimmer
  • Ah yes, the old classic: impulse buying a UMA for 1300g and then buying a derg to go with it for 7g. Except in this case the derg was also expensive because I had to change his primary from petals to tiger.
  • Sir Raquel Crow (July 11, 15kt): female nocturne | obsidian lionfish | plum noxtide | ice ghost
  • So it’s 4 am on a Sunday night (really Monday morning) and I’m trying to finish up my case. Taking a break, I accidentally wander into the dragon sales forum, click on someone’s hibden clearout topic, and buy a cute tundra for 15kt. oops!! (I had a nocturne breed change scroll burning a hole in my pocket. Snagged it off the AH for 10kt last week.)
  • VICE (July 16, 20kt): female spiral | abyss skink | abyss spinner | cyan circuit
  • Bought to go with the Augsneak skin (which I apparently impulse bought TWICE. like, I bought it, forgot I did so, and then bought a second copy. gems flow through my hands like water). It’s a massive pain finding female bogsneaks with circuit, so I decided to brew myself a breed change.
  • Julep (July 17, free): female bogsneak | pistachio basic | mint basic | clay basic
  • omg a cute g1! for free!! (word to the wise: g1s are never free, because you have to gene them. “free” g1s are a trap. don’t do it.) (but she’s so cute! do I go with blurple spinner wings and keep the tert basic, or have a mint chocolate chip dragon?)
  • Owl (July 30, free): male nocturne | umber basic | shadow basic | plum basic
  • ANOTHER g1?? but this one is genuinely free because I’m keeping him triple basic! he’s for Accent: far and away, which is on my list from last month, so you see I am sticking to the plan


Bred: (3) (whoops all coatls)

  • Salazar (July 4): female coatl | abyss boulder | wine myrid | carmine ghost
  • Charlemagne (July 4): male coatl | overcast boulder | mauve myrid | banana ghost
  • [lineage: Clematis x Azariel]
  • These pups weren’t supposed to be keepers. Clematis is tert-less, and the tert range is mostly bad. But I got a fake double (yes yes I know I’m trying to cut down on doubles) and a nice-looking wide-range XYZ!
  • Viktor (July 18): male coatl | silver lionfish | blackberry noxtide | moon ghost
  • [lineage: Snowblind x Crow]
  • I do NOT need this many coatls but they’re all so good?? you wouldn’t know it from the color names, but he’s got a neat silvery-green and pink color scheme. and it’s a coatl from a coatl x nocturne pairing. I gotta keep him. I will definitely chill on the coatls after this


Pictured: Ambergris the mushroom lord; Jazz the goopburner; Kit, protector of foxen

Log Entry by Achaius

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