razanei's raiders - 2022-09-07

Regrettably, I’ve kind of gotten into g1s. I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve accumulated four of them. They were all free or (in one case) extremely cheap. It’s a bit like Dad going to Meijer, seeing a sale, and coming home with 20 cans of garbanzo beans. What’s worse, endless garbanzo bean curry or expensive gene projects?

  • Julep, my mint chocolate chip girl
  • female bog | pistachio python | mint striation | clay flecks (forthcoming)
  • Coyote, inspired by the chuckling coyote pack in the lunar prairie
  • female abbe | splash slime | lead noxtide | shadow glowtail
  • Owl, library lich (“skeleton kings do skeleton things”) [Accent: far and away]
  • male nocturne | umber basic | shadow basic | plum basic
  • Caspian, Razanei’s latest girlfriend
  • female mirror | twilight lionfish | ultramarine noxtide | peach basic


Most of them were impulse acquisitions out of nowhere. Owl is exempt because I was searching for a dragon for [Accent: far and away]. (I suspected I would need a g1 because I wanted an unusual color profile, and I prefer un-gened since the skin itself is quite busy.)

Anyway, time to outline my acquisition plans to hopefully stem my impulse purchases:

  • Breeding:
  • Razanei breed project: I want Razanei to have a descendant of every breed. This is a casual project, not a breeding challenge; breed change scrolls are allowed (and necessary for ancients). (I don’t even like veilspuns, and they’re a gem breed. Well, I’ll deal with that later.) Prospects:
  • Aberration: Razanei x Caspian, G2, to be breed changed
  • Imperial: Fenrir x Nysus
  • I also want to gradually integrate Razanei’s family line with some of my other lines. Ideally I’d like to match generations within my pack lineage (e.g., Razanei’s kids would be considered the same generation as Jiaozi or Arrokoth’s kids).
  • Rugelach x Mortimer pup(s): Who doesn’t love chaos koi obelisks?
  • Buying:
  • Female wildclaw for [Accent: Steelhound]
  • Male spiral with ghost
  • Two close-range parents who I will name CAREBEAR and PLUMCAKES and use to breed an edgy dark fantasy dragon
  • Underrepresented genes: python/morph, filigree


Here's Razanei's family tree! Soon it'll be too large to all display on a single screen. As-is, part of Derecho's family tree is hidden (his maternal lineage, hailing from Arrokoth/Camlann, which also links to Jiaozi/Syldrion).

Log Entry by Achaius

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