razanei's raiders - 2022-11-02

October acquisitions in review:

I got a lot of pups this month. Eight outsiders, ten self-hatches. Species breakdown: 4 obelisks, 3 coatls, 2 wildclaws, 2 bogsneaks, 2 aberrations, an imperial, a skydancer, a mirror, a fae, and a banescale (breed changed). Gonna have to do some judicious den management soon. I already sent on a couple lore dragons that I was tempted to keep (Zombiehund, the gang member with a gambling problem, and Izzy, who works night shift at a donut shop).

Bought (8):

  • Miralis [g1] (Oct 1, free): female mirror | grape fade | clay noxtide | cerise capsule
  • [originally: female mirror | grape basic | clay basic | cerise basic]
  • oops I accidentally another g1
  • she was gonna be exalted though! and she had such potential!
  • Fumiko [g1] (Oct 2, 200g): female aberration | watermelon falcon | abyss blend | fog capsule
  • [originally: female aberration | watermelon basic | abyss blend | fog fangs]
  • Got her for Daydream Galaxy (Starfall reject UMA). Another use for g1s: weird color combinations. Where else would I get a watermelon/abyss dragon? (And a great tert! And matching light eyes!) She was already an aberration with blend, so pretty much a bargain, despite being my most expensive dragon by far.
  • Tazenia (Oct 9, 15kt): female wildclaw | chocolate wasp | brown bee | goldenrod ghost
  • Tazenia was supposed to be a temporary breed-and-yeet mate for Kit, because I have no one even remotely matching his color profile. Then I got her an outfit and wrote lore for her as a off-the-grid survivalist, and the pups turned out really well. She’s a good keep, I think; I don’t have enough wildclaws relative to how much I like them, and it’s nice to have more earth-tone rep.
  • Zauvari (Oct 12, 60g): male coatl | copper starmap | copper bee | copper filigree
  • oh my god stop buying expensive dragons??
  • I got him for [Accent: F0X], which was also an impulse buy, which means I’m out a total of 610 gems. I swear gems flow through my hands like water
  • he looks so cool though!!
  • Maximillian (Oct 17, free): male obelisk | cherry flaunt | cherry flair | silver capsule
  • wormdelivre hatched a surprise double. I was like “ooo gorgeous dragon” and tl;dr he wound up in my den. I offered to pay, but worm said she was just happy to find him a home.
  • Mockery (Oct 17, 8kt): female aberration | blue flaunt | white safari | fire glowtail
  • [originally: female spiral | blue skink | white safari | fire underbelly]
  • Insta-project! My preorder of [Accent: sly look – light] came in today, and I bought a dragon & gened her on the spot to fit. We love instantly completing projects.
  • Mairwyn (Oct 23, 10g): female fae | shadow flaunt | coal morph | white capsule
  • Happy Riot of Rot! Got her for [Skin: DeffWibbon], my favorite of the fest skins. I’m way overdue for a fae perma.
  • Garamsythe [g1] (Oct 24, 6g): male obelisk | robin basic | grey blend | sand basic
  • [originally: male nocturne | robin basic | grey basic | sand basic]
  • ANOTHER g1. This one wasn’t even free. However, I implore you to consider FACTS and LOGIC: grey has seafoam accents, robin has seafoam-gray accents, and sand filigree has robin jewels. Also, I saw this guy on the AH last night and did not buy him then, expecting him to be long gone by the time I woke up, but he was not, which means he was waiting for me.
  • This is my third dragon named Garamsythe. The first was one of Razanei's kids slated for exaltation. The second was a temp breeder. But I like the name, so it's back on a perma.


Bred: (10)

I’m going to stop tagging dragons as “retroactive keep.” My standard practice is to chuck all new hatchlings in Chronopolis and sort them out later. Many of them hang out a few weeks [or at least until our next profit push] until I decide whether to keep them.

  • Vinheim (Sept 7): male coatl | mulberry iridescent | moon trail | white underbelly
  • [lineage: Nimul x Zenobia]
  • A couple months ago, I hatched a pup named Tanganyika with identical colors/genes. I considered keeping her (I love moon trail, but it’s an odd match with mulberry) and eventually exalted her. Then I hatched another. It’s like I was meant to have this specific dragon, you know?
  • Reiya (Sept 16): female skydancer | cerulean starmap | midnight bee | mist opal
  • [lineage: Decoy x Almagest]
  • Casey (Sept 22): female obelisk | smoke boulder | ice myrid | mauve opal
  • [lineage: Rugelach x Mortimer]
  • Both Reiya and Casey are Starfall impulse keeps. I gave them matching arcane auras (and trailing tempest for Reiya) and they became girlfriends. Gonna make them a polycule with Derecho to get some skydancers/obelisks in Razanei’s line.
  • Lixin (Sept 26): male imperial | wisteria fade | wisteria facet | abyss thylacine
  • [lineage: Yuanzhang x Galtan]
  • [originally: wisteria piebald | wisteria facet | abyss runes]
  • Surprise double! Since he’s a double, I was indecisive about keeping/exalting…until the end of October, when MythicalViper released a new UMA that looks stunning on him. Love spending all my gems on UMAs.
  • I’ve now kept three of Yuanzhang & Galtan’s kids and they look completely different: Miocene, prince of DARKNESS; Lucian, soft pastel trans flag boi; and Lixin, vibrant green and purple. No family resemblance at all. It’s great.
  • Chainsaw (Oct 2): female bogsneak | banana python | cerulean eel | honeydew underbelly
  • [lineage: Miaplacidus x Julep]
  • She’s canonically named Chainsaw but it’s a banned name lmfao so the official family register lists her as “Chainchomp.” Everyone calls her Chainsaw anyway.
  • Lohengrin (Oct 8): male bogsneak | abyss slime | steel spinner | stonewash capsule
  • [lineage: Taco x VICE] [family groups: Jiaozi, Arrokoth]
  • bog bog! Keeping more bogs is great for my clan demographics, and Chainsaw & Lohengrin scry well together. Gotta expand that family tree.
  • Gundyr (Oct 14): female wildclaw | tarnish tiger | tarnish myrid | lemon ghost
  • [lineage: Kit x Tazenia]
  • whoa tarnish myrid is rad. guess we’re keeping this one. I love easy decisions
  • Jun (Oct 17): male obelisk | antique piebald | oilslick paint | seafoam koi
  • [lineage: Rugelach x Mortimer]
  • yesss seafoam koi. I knew Rugelach and Mortimer were going to be a hit when I got them. Look: two pups kept from three litters. Good stuff. I should chill after this, though.
  • Meliadoul (Oct 26): female banescale | sapphire fade | aqua arrow | sanddollar skeletal
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian] [g2]
  • [originally: female mirror | sapphire lionfish | aqua noxtide | sanddollar basic]
  • Project pup. Razanei’s first ancient descendant. One down, three to go.
  • Locke (Oct 26): male coatl | overcast wasp | turquoise constellation | turquoise runes
  • [lineage: Jiaozi x Syldrion]
  • Outfit thief! Stole his dad’s outfit and wears it better than he does.


Ancient spotlight! Pictured: Fumiko (Arcane rep with Daydream Galaxy); Mockery (ambulance chaser); Meliadoul (daughter of Razanei and Caspian)

Log Entry by Achaius

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