razanei's raiders - 2023-01-04

December acquisitions:

Finally it’s NotN time! As expected, this was a busier month for acquisitions. We only picked up two baby nocs (Spud and Aristide), but we also wound up keeping several longterm hibden residents (Tristezza and Chelic, born here, and Arpelia and Valentino, fodder buys).

Bought (7):

  • Arpelia (Nov ?, 5500t-ish?): female coatl | steel iridescent | mint bee | mulberry underbelly
  • Bought as fodder in early November. Her colors are weird but oddly endearing. It’s now late December, and I’m cleaning out Chronopolis for NotN, and I’m apparently too fond of her to exalt. She’s the only unexalted dragon of her colors, so I’d never get a substitute if I exalted her and then regretted it.
  • Valentino (Nov ?, 5500t-ish?): male coatl | rose jaguar | white freckle | white peacock
  • Bought as fodder in mid-November. Not generally a fan of jaguar or peacock, but he rocks them. I tried re-homing him via the last chance exalt thread, to no avail.
  • Like Arpelia, he officially became a keeper in late December. He scries nicely with Tristezza, a Chronopolis fixture for the past several months (Nimul/Zenobia kid), so they’re both officially staying. Can never have too many coatls.
  • Moglinicki (Dec 8, 6667t) [g2]: female fae | fuschia slime | cerulean spinner | seafoam capsule
  • [originally: triple basic]
  • It’s Frigidfin, and I thought “I should buy adult fodder and level them with the exp boost, then exalt them during NotN.” So I start buying dogs. They’re surprisingly cheap. Then I realize they all just got taken out of the seller’s hibden, i.e. I cannot den them, i.e. I need to train and exalt them now. Then I realize that one of them is a progen g2 (my great weakness) with amazing colors.
  • tl;dr instead of earning profit I acquired a new gene project. why is this game so hard
  • Arathanar (Dec 9, 7850t): female obelisk | dust flaunt | overcast shimmer | brick basic
  • She was going to be a breed-and-yeet, but I gave her an outfit and I liked it so she’s staying. Her colors are more muted than my usual style—I loaded her with earth gear, including the Cairnstone Carry, which fits literally no one else—but that’s weirdly what makes her a keeper. She stands out, unlike the slew of blurple stardogs I’m kicking out (Gambeson, Rhiannon, Sonata, Tobias).
  • Ramyun (Dec 15, free): male undertide | wine boa | wine saddle | fire capsule
  • I hatched my first undertides today (Akinori & Jimuro’s kids) and went to the AH to check prices. Turns out the cheapest fully gened undertide is 40g. I saw this spicy noodle for 45g but did NOT buy him, since I’m saving for NotN. But I did post him in chat, because he’s exactly worm’s aesthetic and I thought she might be interested.
  • worm immediately bought him and then gifted him to me?? whoa???
  • Spud (Dec 18, 8g) [g1]: male nocturne | sanddollar lionfish | aqua flair | mauve basic
  • it’s NotN!!!
  • Seeing everyone post their hatches and plans, I was tempted to hatch my own egg. But then I saw this lad—the hatcher wasn’t vibing with his colors and planned to train and exalt—and DMed them to arrange a sale. Cheaper than hatching my own! And probably a lot better!
  • oh noooo there’s a sanddollar primary exalt bonus and a noc exalt bonus today. this guy really dodged a bullet
  • Aristide (Dec 21, free) [g1]: female skydancer | mint skink | blue flaunt | lemon smoke
  • [originally: triple basic nocturne]
  • another freshly hatched baby nocturne. pog
  • I picked up this one on a whim (without even scrying) because I noticed she has the same color scheme as Razanei, down to the exact weird tert. Nostalgic, sorta?
  • (but wtf am I supposed to do with this tert? I forgot it’s not a good tert)

Bred (5):

  • Chelic (Nov 16): female bogsneak | fern python | phthalo spinner | turquoise underbelly
  • [lineage: Lohengrin x Chainsaw]
  • canonically, snakes are purple. however, that means greens GO TO the snake, so it’s easier to remember green = snake
  • scream all you like, the gods can’t hear you
  • also, the radioactive slime coli skin fits her perfectly
  • Takoyaki (Nov 19): male wildclaw | tan tiger | ginger myrid | lemon ghost
  • [lineage: Kit x Tazenia]
  • Got upgraded from “maybe?” to perma on December 24 when I impulse bought him a UMA. ty GASP for enabling my high-rolling lifestyle
  • Yazmin (Dec 15) [g3]: female undertide | overcast tide | mist noxtide | buttercup basic
  • [lineage: Akinori x Jimuro]
  • Instead of selling this pup and making money, I kept her and bought her a new tert (sparkle), thus losing money. bad at this game
  • update: decided I didn't like the sparkle (too busy) and removed it. terrible at this game
  • Ricochet (Dec 16): male spiral | mulberry flaunt | nightshade bee | thistle basic
  • [lineage: Tobias x Arathenar]
  • mulberry flaunt just pops insanely
  • look at this rude dude, bred as fodder but demanding to stay and then yoinking like 500g in gem apparel
  • Cahoots (Dec 25) [g2]: male aberration | splash flaunt | teal weaver | buttercup basic
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
  • [originally: male mirror | splash lionfish | teal noxtide | buttercup basic]
  • Another ancient for the lineage project! After this I’ll just need a gaoler and I’m done with ancients. (Modern-wise I still need skydancer, wildclaw, and coatl.)


De-acquired (2):

  • Fenrir: [Razanei x Zanarkand] green glass nocturne, a temp breeder who became an impulse keep who became an impulse not-keep. easy come, easy go
  • Note: I’m keeping two pups from her most recent litter (Vulpactia and Benji) as potential breeders, but I’m not feeling them as permas (I exalted a ton of better-looking dogs this month) so I’m not putting them in the official register.
  • Almagest:
  • One of my earliest dragons. As a newbie, I got the notion that triples were rare/desirable and impulse bought a triple phthalo. I later learned that triples are mass produced and Almagest shares her color combo with 30,000 other dragons.
  • More importantly, she’s boring. For a while, I wanted to salvage her because gem gene triple, but nah. I just don’t like her that much. I’ve been lowkey planning to yeet her for months and NotN is the ideal time to cut the cord.


Pictured: Our two NotN g1s: Spud, our official NotN rep, and Aristide the skydancer

Log Entry by Achaius

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