razanei's raiders - 2023-03-08

February acquisitions:

Bought: (9)

  • Venoshock (Jan 8, 5kt-ish): male spiral | leaf pharaoh | vermillion noxtide | cherry ringlets
  • Bought this guy as fodder. He looks like a plague hatchery pup, but his parents are wide-range.
  • I advertised him in the find-a-dragon forum and a guy named Vookaat said he’d like to buy, but didn’t have funds/space, and requested a hold. I said fine. Three weeks went by. I gave him a ping asking if he was still interested; he didn’t deign to respond (despite being online, as evidenced by his dragons being fed). By that point, I decided I liked the dragon. So I’m keeping him.
  • Avanc (Feb 4, 10g): female wildclaw | charcoal metallic | cerulean butterfly | robin runes
  • A week ago, I was looking for a RTB wildclaw/coatl to breed and yeet. Came across this girl with great colors and genes but the unfortunate name “Beyourself.” I’m not having that name in my family lists, so I passed her by.
  • Today I was looking for another breed-and-yeet and she popped up again. I decided to pick her up as a longterm breeder (thus justifying the cost of a renaming scroll). She’s going to be part of my project to breed a wildclaw/coatl descendant of Razanei.
  • Her hatchdate is March 25, 2022 (one week after I joined FR) and she’s got a scrollbar hatchling list. Love to see it. Two of them are unnamed, but they aren’t visible without scrolling so it’s not a big deal. She also has a diverse partner list—her kids include skydancers, pearlcatchers, spirals, mirrors, and one lucky wildclaw from a mirror father.
  • Avilit (Feb 19, 7g): female coatl | bronze wasp | sanguine bee | sunset opal
  • Supposed to be a breed-and-yeet, but then I noticed she’s over two years old (birthdate: December 20, 2020), which makes her my eldest dragon. I’d feel kind of bad yeeting a dragon that old…
  • Downside: She has an ugly offspring list (six pups just named “soldier,” then Bonefury [that one’s fine], and then four named Drift). A lot worse than unnamed offspring tbh.
  • Gestalt (Feb 24, 24g): male bogsneak | abyss wasp | abyss bee | shadow opal
  • [originally: imperial]
  • I won a drawing for a free brightmyth skin reprint! I picked THE SKY ABOVE, the male bog skin from the Reli© collection (being a bog skin, it’s never getting reprinted, so this is my only shot unless I want to pay the blueprint cost).
  • So I picked up a dragon to match. We love brewing imbued sulfur. I wonder if the guy who sold an imperial will someday look through his offspring lists and be disappointed at my life choices.
  • Valdis (Feb 24, 12kt) [progen g2]: female obelisk | cinnamon pharaoh | taupe alloy | tangerine opal
  • Impulse buy. She scries well with Rorich (my g2 auburn/seafoam/oilslick boy). These are not words I thought I’d say ever.
  • Arturo (Feb 27, free) [g1]: male nocturne | honeydew basic | ultramarine basic | swamp basic
  • [plans: obelisk | flaunt | flair | capsule]
  • This lil guy is from ufology’s hatch-a-day project: they hatch an egg every day, everyone is welcome to make scries/outfits, and afterwards all the hatchlings are up for grabs. I made it nearly two months without seeing a hatch I wanted to snag, but everyone was dissing this kid’s ultramarine (“it’s so bright,” they said) but imo it’s great and goes well with the honeydew so I had to speak up for him.
  • Ragnorra (Feb 28, 30kt): female nocturne | vermilion metallic | constellation | filigree
  • Bedwyr (Feb 28, 12g): male obelisk | azure starmap | azure bee | azure capsule
  • I decided to join Stock the Pond! I rolled vermillion, so I got an XXX vermillion and XXX azure as a cool-range partner. Gotta admit, it is convenient to be able to impulse buy a couple of arbitrary triples (pickings were slim, but they existed).


Bred: (7)

  • Po’ boy (Jan 14): male bogsneak | saffron python | seafoam striation | pear flecks
  • he’s a sandwich. I wasn’t sold on keeping him until I scried him with January’s Joxar recolor, the pollen shaker. tomatoes! perfect!
  • Revenant (Feb 3): female skydancer | abyss skink | sanguine morph | fuchsia firefly
  • [lineage: Dantalion x Vega] [progen g3]
  • [originally: mirror | basic | noxtide | basic]
  • Another project, courtesy of power couple Dantalion & Vega. I stuck them in hibden jail so they stop making projects for me. At least this one wasn’t as expensive as the others. Abyss/fuchsia is a fantastic combo.
  • Quintic (Feb 4): male spiral | overcast wasp | lavender butterfly | royal capsule
  • [lineage: Zeke x Krilich]
  • I’ve been keeping too many blurple spirals, so I enlisted chat to help me thin the herd. This guy (Zeke’s son) unanimously won the poll over Zipline (Zeke’s grandson) and Cricket (Zeke’s great-grandson). Faceted eyes, butterfly wings—very stylish.
  • Ryuunosuke (Feb 8): male guardian | denim flaunt | clay constellation | azure firefly
  • [lineage: Razanei x Chibundu]
  • Raz and Chibundu haven’t given me a cute pup since I got constellation for Chibundu, so I was overdue. Blue/brown combos are all the rage.
  • Severin (Feb 8): male coatl | abyss wasp | aqua constellation | eldritch opal
  • [lineage: Jiaozi x Syldrion]
  • I spent a while staring at this pup. why does he look odd? is this a fodder pup I bought? Then I realized he inherited his mom’s opal instead of dad’s runes.
  • I don’t keep pups solely for rarity (o7 to Vio, child of Derecho and Casey, an obelisk who inherited wasp/bee instead of Casey’s boulder/myrid), but I like his weird mix of greens; he looks great with an emerald nightshroud and poisonous wood apparel.
  • November (Feb 13): male spiral | lead boulder | obsidian myrid | lavender capsule
  • [lineage: Derecho x Casey]
  • Lavender capsule tints the bottle dark gray to match the rest of him. It’s so good.
  • I decided this is probably the most aesthetic result I’m getting out of a Derecho/Casey pairing, and if I don’t keep this one, why am I breeding them at all?
  • “but didn’t you say you were keeping too many blurple spirals” he’s not blurple, he’s gray and purple. very different
  • Hallownest (Feb 16): male wildclaw | abyss wasp | azure constellation | ultramarine runes
  • [lineage: Cabeswater x Miscanti]
  • just a very blue wildclaw who showed up right when I started playing Hollow Knight. good timing bro
  • I was gonna have him be Zenika’s bf until I realized that Zenika’s already dating his uncle. awkward


De-acquired: Wintermute & Neuromancer (abbe f); Remington (spiral m with a cowboy hat); Benji (Razanei’s grandson, cream nocturne m, lost in the depths of the Library) [rehomed]


Dragon spotlight: Gestalt, our dream bog; and our spirals of the month (tm), Venoshock, Quintic, and November

Log Entry by Achaius

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