razanei's raiders - 2023-06-06

May acquisitions: [+7, -1]

Lightning’s got a profit push this month, so it’s time to sort through my fodder and decide who to keep. In Wolvden I run a very lean den (31 permas, 25 of whom are hunters) and initially planned to do the same in Flight Rising. But it turns out that when freed from roles and stats I’m as much of a hoarder as anyone. It’s like having a big drawer full of shiny rocks. They don’t do anything; they’re just shiny.


Bought: (3)

  • Flurry (May 17, free) [progen g2]: female mirror | shale basic | eggplant basic | yellow basic
  • Devs announced a lightning ancient is coming late this summer. I’ll be breedchanging a Razanei/Caspian pup, and I snagged this girl (a freebie from the exalt row thread) as a possible mate. (Yellow tert. Matchy.) She also scries well as an aberration, so she has a good future with the clan regardless of how the lightning ancient gig turns out.
  • Rayell (May 21, 10g): male obelisk | obsidian basic | rose blend | obsidian contour
  • [originally: guardian w/flair]
  • Last NotN, I exalted a dragon named Rayell (male obelisk, obsidian basic, rose blend, coral firefly). I liked him, but I was already keeping Arathenar and Moglinicki and I figured I shouldn’t keep all the fodder.
  • Today in FRD there was a topic “Ever miss a dragon you used to have?” and I was like “yeah actually I do” and impulse bought this dude as a replacement. This is why all my dom cash vanishes instantly (we’re first place this week).
  • Baikal (May 24, free) [g1]: male pearlcatcher | twilight boulder | sable noxtide | fire basic
  • [originally: triple basic female bogsneak]
  • [plan: capsule]
  • Won him in a scry-to-win contest! I forgot all about it and was like “why is someone CRing me a random bogsneak” before I read their message.


Hatched: (4)

  • Cyril (Mar 26): male obelisk | steel metallic | beige paisley | algae runes
  • [lineage: Locke x Zenika]
  • It’s honestly amazing how many good-looking pups Zenika manages to have, considering her huge range with both of her boyfriends.
  • Similar to Arathenar, this boy’s desaturated color palette is weirdly charming. He’s a perfect fit for the brass steampunk set. We can always use more mechanics/engineers.
  • Guac (Apr 18): male wildclaw | abyss speckle | iris freckle | seafoam capsule
  • [lineage: Taco x Eroniks]
  • This guy’s been hanging around for a while. He made it through this month's profit push, but he didn’t become an official clan member until Greenskeeper, when one of the fest skins fit him perfectly. (Eleven months ago, we kept Taco due to a fest skin. Glad to see one of his kids carrying on the family tradition.)
  • Sancia (Apr 20): female obelisk | overcast iridescent | strawberry paisley | cream ghost
  • [lineage: Carnivale x Zenika]
  • It’s honestly amazing how many etc. etc. good job Zenika
  • Jialun (formerly Nyamien) (Apr 26): male imperial | plum starmap | cerulean bee | ultramarine firefly
  • [lineage: Fimbulvetr x Zanziya]
  • We have a whole bunch of Vulpactia-line imps hanging around (Kuya, Leyndell, Hezroustrike, and the two green-and-purple doubles), but this guy is the best. I don’t need a chat poll for this one. Cerulean bee is always a winner.


De-acquired: (1)

  • Mairwyn (f fae, suburban witch): hire from last RoR. I think she was our first fae perma. she’s pretty okay, I’m just not a big fan of her lore and it’s not integrated with anyone else’s lore so she’s expendable

Featured: Sancia and Cyril, our obelisk half-siblings, and our new Greenskeeper rep Guac

Log Entry by Achaius

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