razanei's raiders - 2023-09-07

August acquisitions: [+6, -1]

An actual lowkey month, kinda. The big news is that I finally finished the Razanei descendant project by getting a sandsurge and a coatl. Now Razanei has a descendant of every breed in the game (until they introduce more). But will this stop me from making his descendants into expensive projects on a whim? haha no.

Bought: (4)

  • Toast (July 6, 5kt-ish): male bogsneak | sand falcon | spruce flair | swamp capsule
  • [originally: daub]
  • impulse exalt rescue. look, so matchy!
  • Cox (August 8, 5100t): male aberration | cherry flaunt | crimson blend | cherry capsule
  • [originally: tundra | fade | flair | ghost]
  • cheap fodder who was actually perfect for a TCC skin (Player 2). crimson blend is the canonically correct secondary for this skin. I checked AH for male abbies with crimson blend, but there were none as good as this guy, so impulse project it is
  • Kaliaris (August 10, 10g): male coatl | obsidian metallic | marigold sarc | gold firebreather
  • Xirina’s mate. I searched the AH for male coatls with black-spruce primary and goldenrod-caramel sec/tert, and came home with this lad. Wasn’t sure if he was going to be a keeper, but the outfit cemented it. Looks like I have another 35-day pair! Here’s to lots of coatl and wildclaw kids.
  • Hellgate (August 23, free): male imperial | maroon savannah | maroon blaze | obsidian capsule
  • [originally: peregrine]
  • A gift from worm! Come to think of it, I have a lot of gifts from worm (Maximillian, Ramyun [which cost her 40g], Poppy, and now this lad). And she wouldn’t even let me pay 50 gc for the g2 Shak pyrope merle. Had to lower it twice to 15 gc before she would accept. smdh 

Hatched: (2)

  • Rion (May 24): male sandsurge | indigo python | cyan blaze | saffron augment
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian] [G2]
  • [originally: mirror | lionfish | noxtide | basic]
  • breedchanged him on August 27. FINALLY the quest is complete. I had four Razanei x Caspian litters to choose from, and took my time deciding (I didn’t want to have regrets like I did with Nalbina) but I’m quite happy with this choice.
  • Arroyo (August 24): male coatl | splash tapir | peach foam | buttercup contour
  • [lineage: Kaliaris x Xirina] [Razanei G4]
  • Arroyo is the other remaining piece of the puzzle, our youngest breed rep (although not the last one because Rion was breedchanged three days after he was born). Beach boi! 

De-acquired: (1)

  • Azariel (f coatl, Nimul x Zenobia): she is actually gorgeous and a perfect fit for her skin but for some reason I have zero attachment to her. yet another “might as well look cute on a pillar” types

Featured: Rion the sandsurge and Arroyo the coatl

Log Entry by Achaius

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