razanei's raiders - 2023-11-18

October acquisitions: [+7, -2]

The exciting event of the month was the Ice/Water war (the first war where I’ve gotten to chill and make stonks). Unleveled adult fodder were selling for nearly 13kt. Love getting unreasonable amounts of free money. There’s going to be a Light/Arcane war in late November, shortly before NotN, so we are dining well.

Bought: (2)

  • Vespertine (Oct 7, 5300t) [g1]: female obelisk | oilslick swirl | royal blaze | pumpkin firefly
  • me: I’m trying to cut down
  • also me: ooo a random cheap g1, don’t mind if I do
  • I recently picked up a random fodder obelisk (Manticore) to breed to Zeke, gave her an outfit, was charmed by my own creation. Then I discovered that Manticore’s outfit, with some tweaks, looked even better on this pup. That settled it: pup stays, Manticore goes.
  • Kiferbaum (Oct 13, 8g): male bogsneak | sanguine basic | shadow blend | fire capsule
  • [originally: sandsurge | arapaima | blend | fishbone]
  • After getting Coeurl last month, I wanted an XYZ bog with stitched or patched to be her mate. So I’ve been scrying fodder on-and-off.
  • The exact creative process: I got pinged for hatchlings from Ellard’s free hatchery, including a sanguine/lemon/ruby gaoler. I scried him as a stitched bog and liked the effect, but I didn’t care for the lemon (it’s got greenish undertones) and thought fire tert would look better. So I went searching for males with sanguine prim and fire tert. Found this guy in a fodder tab, DMed a purchase inquiry, and the owner didn’t even bother replying, just shot me a PA. The best.
  • Applied his breed change on the 15th. Wonder if this is the first sandsurge to be changed to a bogsneak.

Hatched: (5)

  • Carillon (Sept 24): female obelisk | flint starmap | dust constellation | steel koi
  • [lineage: Bedwyr x Ragnorra]
  • first Stock the Pond keep! she narrowly won out over her clutchmate Sonderbonbon (obsidian/watermelon/cerise koi) who got sent off to icedom today. can’t keep all the cute ones.
  • Penumbra (Sept 25): male wildclaw | abyss wasp | ultramarine constellation | plum runes
  • [lineage: Cabeswater x Miscanti]
  • I impulse bought a wildclaw skin, then stuck it on a fodder wildclaw. wheeeee
  • to be fair, I did shop around for alternatives. I thought it would be nice if the tert was pink to match the cherry-blossom skin. unfortunately this just isn’t a combo that exists on male wildclaws for sale. and I also liked [name]’s gem prim/sec… eventually I decided to save myself thousands of virtual dragon gems and slap on a violet flowerfall to lean into his tert and call it a day.
  • Vaedren (Oct 9) [g4]: female skydancer | splash flaunt | bubblegum foam | plum capsule
  • [lineage: Cristobal x Revenant]
  • pink and bloo! tbh she’s so firmly in my core aesthetic that she may not be truly permanent, since I have so many dragons like her. However, Razanei’s family tree has been stagnant lately and I felt like decking out a dog in blurple.
  • Jorblorb (Oct 19) [g2]: male aether | radioactive boulder | robin breakup | saffron stinger
  • [lineage: Arturo x Andes]
  • [originally: skydancer | flaunt | breakup | capsule]
  • Arturo & Andes are one of my favorite couples because they both have tame color schemes but produce disasterbomb pups every litter without fail. Usually just good for a laugh before exalting. However, with this pup, I noticed: (1) Robin breakup is nice. (2) He’s got a good range with Kaboom, my Raz x Caspian G2 aether. And I’ve been wanting an aether breeding pair for a while (the hatchlings are very round) so why not?
  • Zinciri (Oct 19): male aberration | ice pharaoh | caribbean sarcophagus | cyan polypore
  • [lineage: Shibuya x Ambergris]
  • natural primal #3!! after this I will probably stop keeping ALL the primals. but look, his colors match the eyes so well

De-acquired (2)

  • Sarevok (soil/sable/sable noc): impulse de-acquisition. she was a fodder fail back in March-ish, but…no lore, no connections within the pack. then I got a DM from someone wanting to borrow or buy her for a breeding project. yeah sure. she was leveled, so I got 20kt out of the deal
  • Gundyr (f wc, Kit x Tazenia): tarnish/tarnish/lemon. that lemon is so awkward. I considered yeeting her to icedom, but her leaving home doesn’t fit her lore, so I held her until our end-of-month conquest push and exalted her myself


Featured: Plushie duo Kiferbaum & Coeurl (from last month); Jorblorb

Log Entry by Achaius

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