razanei's raiders - 2024-02-05

January acquisitions: [+8, -1]

The Razanei Lineage Project that I made back in November is taking off! Okay, not really. It’s still mostly me & the crickets in the lineage topic. But I did keep six lineage pups myself to add to the growing collection of colorful icons.

Bought: (1)

  • Casimir (Jan 1, free) [g1]: male spiral | blackberry tide | emerald morph | storm capsule
  • [originally: triple basic nocturne]
  • well that was fast LOL
  • ufology hatched this guy in August for their hatch-a-day topic. I scried him and made him an outfit, which I do for a lot of dragons and generally don’t think about it afterwards. But this guy lived rent free in my head. He’s got a very specific color combo: blackberry tide has storm accents, and storm capsule has tinted glass.
  • I thought the dragon was probably exalted by now, but no—he was still around for the end-of-year summary post. So I hopped on it. first project of 2024!!


Hatched: (7)

  • Guyen (Nov 10): male obelisk | overcast metallic | sanguine trail | cerise runes
  • [lineage: Carnivale x Zenika] [Razanei G4]
  • aight this is part of the truth-in-logging initiative. bro has been here since early November. in December I revamped Maximillian completely because I thought he was too similar to Guyen (Max went from a flaunt/flair/capsule obelisk to a fern/trail/runes skydancer). however, Guyen stayed in the fodder tab for ??? reason.
  • still debating on keeping his half-sister Raxter. (HOW is Zenika so good at this game??) I guess that’s why he stayed in the fodder den—they are a dynamic duo, it feels a bit weird having them separated
  • Raxter (Dec 9): female obelisk | abyss metallic | emerald paisley | chartreuse runes
  • [lineage: Locke x Zenika] [Razanei G4]
  • fuck it. truth-in-logging initiative. she stays too
  • (but they are still separated because their colors put them in different tabs lol)
  • Coriolis (Dec 8) [g3]: male aether | denim flaunt | aqua blaze | yellow starfall
  • [lineage: Jorblorb x Kaboom] [Razanei G3]
  • [originally: stinger]
  • may not be truly permanent (I say this a lot and it doesn’t necessarily correlate with who sticks around long-term), but his scries with Ellory are interesting, and Caspian’s branch of the family tree needs more vertical development
  • oh he looks so good in brightmyth’s fest skin… see, he’s becoming more permanent by the second…
  • Alaric (Dec 15): male wildclaw | nightshade starmap | twilight constellation | royal runes
  • [lineage: Camlann x Arrokoth]
  • gao/brightmyth collab!! space whale cityscape UMA!!! this is not a drill!!
  • flashback to a month ago when I hatched a very blurple wildclaw. his siblings are long exalted, but I kept Alaric because I figured a suitable skin would come along for him eventually. turns out “eventually” came pretty quick
  • Chug (Jan 17) [g3]: robin flaunt | robin blaze | yellow stinger
  • [lineage: Jorblorb x Kaboom] [Razanei G3]
  • [originally: breakup]
  • lolol and then Coriolis got a natural multigaze surprise double brother. the moths are taking over my lair
  • Nikayo (Jan 19) [g2]: female veilspun | sapphire bar | caribbean constellation | sanddollar basic
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
  • [originally: male mirror | lionfish | noxtide | basic]
  • months ago, I scried the ideal Raz/Caspian veilspun pup as sapphire/azure/sanddollar, with caribbean as a runner-up secondary. given their range (16 for the primary, 26 for the secondary, 15 for the tert), I never expected to see this exact pup; it was simply meant as an exercise in figuring out what I might want for Nalbina’s replacement.
  • then they dropped the target pup!! (well, one-off. I WILL TAKE IT)
  • this pup is gonna bankrupt me. 2500g including the silhouette scroll. das a lot of egg
  • Raiden (Jan 19) [g2]: female mirror | blue lionfish | stonewash noxtide | sanddollar basic
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
  • and her sister’s a natural primal!!
  • she scries really well as aether and spiral, among other breeds, but I think the play here is to wait for the next ancient release and see if it works for her.
  • it feels weird to add a dragon to the clan roster when they’re still completely WIP/up in the air. however, TRUTH IN LOGGING INITIATIVE


De-acquired (1):

  • Nalbina (Razanei x Caspian veilspun) [sold for 50g]: BYE!! I was thinking of straight up booting her. instead I found a nice lore lair to take her in, which doesn’t put an appreciable dent in my sunk costs, but it does mean she gets to stay in the official lineage record


Featured: Casimir, first acquisition & first completed project of 2024; Chug, one of the moths taking over my lair; Nikayo, wallet destroyer

Log Entry by Achaius

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