razanei's raiders - 2024-03-01

February acquisitions: [+12, -4]

A heavy month, mostly due to keeping seven Razanei descendants. oops!! Unsustainable level of growth. I tried to counterbalance this by clearing out units from the back of the hibden. Instead, I found new appreciation for Arathenar and Valentino, and decided to make Flex an undertide to match his lore.

[11:58 AM] wormdelivre: I feel like the great grandkids. could use a cull

^ entered and continued 

Bought (3):

  • Eisegesis (Feb 18, 15kt): male auraboa | obsidian varnish | obsidian lacquer | cerise medusa
  • [originally: banescale | ragged | tear | skeletal]
  • Calumny (Feb 18, 7g): female auraboa | obsidian fade | obsidian blend | mint medusa
  • [originally: gaoler | flaunt | spirit | carnivore]
  • oops impulse project!! might delete this in the morning!! I had this idea “what if obs/obs/x medusa boas” and impulse bought two cheap dragons within the hour
  • here’s the thing. this is a BAD idea for me personally. I’m basically guaranteed to get bored of obs/obs/x ancients (obsidian doubles and no apparel…like, come on). in six months these guys are gonna be decorating the deacquisition list and I’m gonna wish I’d spent the nest space on growing my permas’ offspring lists instead.
  • however, also consider: snek good
  • Velizaren (Feb 29, free) [g1]: female obelisk | obsidian basic | blackberry blaze | tangerine ghost
  • [originally: triple basic noc]
  • it’s leap day! I hatched my own egg, but I thought to myself I might also pick up a free/cheap g1 from all the mass hatches going on today.
  • I took a liking to the very first hatchling from the very first topic I entered and they’re mine now I guess (big thanks to Xaotician). happy Halloween!!


Hatched (9) (!!):

  • Picayune (Jan 14): male aether | cobalt cinder | cyan blend | sunshine starfall
  • [lineage: Coriolis x Ellory] [Razanei g4]
  • Hatched from his parents’ first litter. I took an instant liking to him, but I thought, “look, I just think every aether hatchling with starfall is cute” (this is a problem with all aethers, but especially starfall ones) and put him on hold.
  • Today (2/24) the parents’ third litter hatched and I can confidently say Picayune is the best out of all of them. So he stays.
  • Glory (Jan 19): female auraboa | stonewash varnish | turquoise lacquer | sunset opal
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian] [g2]
  • [originally: mirror | lionfish | noxtide | basic]
  • Clutchmate to Nikayo and Raiden. Normally I limit myself to one keeper per litter. Three is unprecedented. But she scries so well as an auraboa. Aura opal really pops off, and it gives her a different color profile from all her sibs which I enjoy.
  • edit (2/15): WHOA I searched her colors and she’s OOAK. did not expect that. good thing I kept her!
  • Niander (Feb 1): male bogsneak | stonewash metallic | splash shimmer | seafoam opal
  • [lineage: Gestalt x Optimus Crime]
  • sometimes you just gotta indulge by keeping a nice pastel green/blue/purple bog. it’s funny just how much this guy leans into my core aesthetic (tm)
  • Sylvain Skyslicer (Feb 3): female skydancer | abyss starmap | clay flair | abyss runes
  • [lineage: Razanei x Chibundu] [g2]
  • [originally: guardian | flaunt | bee | capsule]
  • yoooo first Raz/Chibundu double! and it’s ABYSS! and it’s SO GOOD
  • (she would be even better as an imperial but one can’t have everything)
  • you hear that noise? it’s the sound of my ice fest stonks all going down the tubes
  • Juicebox (Feb 17): male bogsneak | cottoncandy stitched | blackberry blend | grapefruit capsule
  • [lineage: Kiferbaum x Coeurl]
  • so bright! so fun!
  • Taeyeon (Feb 19): female fae | orchid flaunt | bubblegum morph | orchid firefly
  • [lineage: Cristobal x Revenant] [g4] [Razanei g4]
  • wow, everyone’s popping doubles all of a sudden
  • She wasn’t going to be a keeper—I put her up for adoption in the progen lineage topic—but then I scried her (aberration/tide/flair/riot) and decided she was staying.
  • The reason I haven’t breedchanged and gened her yet is that I might have her be a mate for my Breed Out the Ugly project. (I want to cross the project pups with Razanei’s line. Taeyeon is a solid candidate; I also have a litter from Zeke in the wings, and another one on the way. Depends on how the next generation turns out.)
  • Veyron Vitesse (Feb 22): male wildclaw | eggplant skink| peach foam | ivory contour
  • [lineage: Kaliaris x Xirina] [Razanei g4]
  • [originally: tapir]
  • things I’ve wanted for a while: (1) a wildclaw kid of Xirina (to complete the set, you know, since Arroyo is a coatl). (2) a dragon to go with the Herald’s Scroll from Joxar
  • Cappuccino (Feb 28): female spiral | brick pinstripe | soil trail | beige capsule
  • [lineage: Zeke x Vauxhail] [Razanei g3]
  • Zeke gave me…a coffee pup?? this is so novel compared to the rest of our Zeke spirals (Derecho, Quintic, Flex, November, Ricochet are all blurple sons) that I’ve got to keep her. bringing color variety to the lineage
  • Cooper (Feb 29) [g1]: male pearlcatcher | tan slime | stone blend | honeydew koi
  • [originally: triple basic guardian] [egg #7] [briargloom orphan]
  • A few weeks ago, I got a shadow egg from coli and decided to hatch it on leap day.
  • Last night, Websteak had a dream that he hatched an egg and the colors were “pickle juice” (“like olive but lighter”) and bubblegum. Spont suggested honeydew/bubblegum. I said that was actually a good combo.
  • THREE MINUTES LATER I hatched this egg. turns out honeydew koi has bubblegum accents. FATE HAS SPOKEN


De-acquired (4):

  • Cryotosis (m wildclaw, antique/robin/robin) [rehomed]: Vulpactia’s partner. managed to avoid me yeeting everyone involved in that plot arc by virtue of having no presence whatsoever. okay that’s mean. he is cute. tbh I had almost talked myself into keeping him when worm requested him. sure! just as happy to have him continue being cute somewhere else
  • Tristezza (f coatl, Nimul x Zenobia): pink! specifically, orchid. idk, she just isn’t sparking joy any more. also I got a nicer orchid. Valentino can stay though.
  • Illyrian (f skydancer, youngest of Decoy x Almagest): man I still haven’t written Alyazi’s lore re: her mother’s death…anyway, Illyrian is non-essential in all ways, and has been “on the bubble” since she was born in Nov 2022. I do like her breeding history: she had a one-night stand with Benji, and then a fling with Donut, professor of topology
  • Viktor (m coatl, Crow x Snowblind): the surprise coatl. just another guy who I never think about. coatls are like aethers, in that every single hatchling is cute, but they can’t all be keepers


Featured: Cooper & Velizaren, our leap day g1s; and Sylvain, Razanei & Chibundu's surprise abyss double

Log Entry by Achaius

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