razanei's raiders - 2024-04-03

March acquisitions: [+4, -0]

holy? an actual lowkey month?? Everyone this month is low-gen: two g1s, a g2, and a g3. I’m still not ever going to become a g1 lair, but we have been lowering the average.

Bought: (3)

  • Cymri (Feb 8, 4g) [g1]: male spiral | thistle flaunt | indigo malachite | navy glimmer
  • [originally: triple basic f noc]
  • Fodder snipe, 2-off XYY, nice scries. I was excited. Pinged the g1 hoarders for an IC/PC. Crickets in the topic, no buyers on AH (for 70g and then a discounted 60g). After three weeks I was just about ready to punt them to souptown.
  • However, someone made a “LF: dragons for skins” topic in Find a Dragon and got me to scry them in fancy UMAs. I thought the scries were fantastic. OP wasn’t interested.
  • Then I found one of the skins on AH for 1.5kg…for the scry that required a silhouette scroll and a gem gene…point is, I have a very cool dragon now. Special thanks to plaguedom & waterdom for financing the glimmer!
  • Innes (Mar 14, 5g) [g2]: female auraboa | denim caterpillar | buttercup lacquer | teal fishbone
  • [originally: basic secondary]
  • Sniped an adult fodder for 5g. Oh hey, a launch auraboa g2. A lot better looking than either of her parents. A couple months old, so she was a perma for a while before being moved on. Maybe she can be a perma for a while here too.
  • Cai (Mar 21, free) [progen g3]: male imp | grape cinder | buttercup striation | caramel capsule
  • [originally: tapir/trail/sparkle]
  • g3 leap imp!! Ellard, who runs a pure progen hatchery, put up free raffles for Cai and his brother. I hopped on both. Somehow no one else entered either raffle. (Genuinely stunned by this—are g3 impure imps too high-gen or something? There were like a dozen people in the topic requesting to adopt non-imps, so it’s not like the topic got no viewers.) Anyway, I had my pick of the litter. The younger brother was tempting (midnight/buttercup/sunset, with matching sky blue accents) but I decided to go with purple & gold, a less represented palette in my lair.


Hatched: (1)

  • Caranthir (Mar 18) [g1]: male sandsurge | clay sailfish | fern flair | swamp augment
  • [originally: triple basic fae] [egg #8] [mesaview orphan]
  • happy FR anniversary to me!!
  • why is every egg I hatch green??
  • it’s raining g1s. four g1s in three weeks (Cooper & Velizaren, leap day duo; Cymri, impulse keep; and now this one). mixed lair becoming more mixed by the day


Normally I pick three to feature, but it feels weird to leave just one guy out, so here's the whole gang: Cymri & Caranthir, our new g1s; Innes, g2 snek, and Cai, g3 imperial.

Log Entry by Achaius

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