razanei's raiders - 2024-06-07

May acquisitions: [+9, -4]

Mega variety month, from our first breeding project success (the long-awaited Razanei plushie) to a couple random coatl fodder saves.

Come to think of it, even though I bill my lair as a big house of fodder, it’s been a while since I impulse kept any g+ fodder from AH. Discounting g1s and g2s, the last time I bought a fodder pup and said “oh, cute, I’ll keep them” was last August (Toast and Cox). And Cox was a full project to match a skin…so really it’s just Toast. My recent g+ acquisitions have been been dogs I sought out for specific projects (e.g., Alembic for giraffe/foam/keel, or Ziggy for the Hainu Herder skin) instead of randos I just liked. I’ve got mixed feelings about this. I enjoy having a more intentional lair, but I also kinda miss being more carefree. 

Bought: (4)

  • Uelibloom (Apr 5-ish, 7g-ish): female coatl | phthalo wasp | splash bee | teal opal
  • Picked her up a month ago as a potential Breed Out the Ugly mate (search criteria: teal-mint runes, koi, or opal). The project’s over now—Borzoi’s our winner—but she can still be Borzoi’s gf, at least for a while. Sometimes you just gotta treat yourself to a fodder price triple gem gene coatl.
  • Soup (May 3, free): male obelisk | berry boulder | berry breakup | cream ghost
  • [originally: tapir/striation]
  • A gift from Web! A while back I decided I wanted a male meat obelisk from Web’s den (for this scry, for lore purposes, and to be Sancia’s mate). Took a couple litters, but we finally got one.
  • Byron (May 23, 50g): female sandsurge | sanguine wasp | sanguine jester | gold augment
  • From worm’s hatchery, a mate for Rion! The pub price is 150g and I said “I can at least pay 100” but she wouldn’t take it >:|
  • Ichiharu (May 27, 15g) [g1]: male wildclaw | peridot boulder | azure jester | obsidian capsule
  • [originally: triple basic noc]
  • Got this lad for Silience’s fantastic Greenskeeper reject UMA, overgrown. I was rooting for it in the submission thread, but didn’t quite expect it to win (the rectangular cutouts felt too artsy for the usual fest skin fare—but that’s also what I liked about it).
  • I’ve had this wildclaw scroll burning a hole in my pocket for (checks calendar) three whole weeks now, time to spend it! This guy can join Belneiros in the very expensive cool boys’ club.


Hatched: (5)

  • Kalahari (May 3) [g2]: female pearlcatcher | caribbean boa | flaxen noxtide | moss capsule
  • [lineage: Razanei x Chibundu]
  • [originally: guardian | flaunt | bee | firefly]
  • caribbean kid! set complete! tbh I almost passed her up before I checked noxtide. the tert is rough (“a tragedy” is how worm phrased it), but capsule does wonders here—the bottle glass is tinted yellow to match flaxen, and then she wears a vest & scarf. peak performance
  • Chisanbop (May 8): male aether | robin piebald | splash edged | cottoncandy stinger
  • [lineage: Chug x Lemuria] [Razanei g4]
  • [originally: jupiter]
  • oops!! cute aether!! must keep!!
  • his brother is also ridiculously good (cerulean/robin/rose) but I have to draw the line somewhere
  • Borzoi (May 9): male ridgeback | abyss flaunt | twilight toxin | aqua runes
  • [lineage: Shakuhachi x Valmaurice] [Razanei g6] [BotU g5]
  • Breed Out the Ugly challenge winner! I am a dude of simple tastes—I see a dragon with abyss primary, I keep.
  • also, first ridgeback in pack. yikes the m ridgeback UMA scene is barren. luckily this Wavecrest skin is here to pick up the slack (shoutout to Uniformshark @ Ridge & Surge Wear for looking out)
  • Alcyone (May 13): female coatl | abyss wasp | turquoise constellation | caribbean opal
  • [lineage: Jiaozi x Syldrion]
  • treat yourself, gem gene coatl, etc. etc.
  • srsly out here scooping up fodder coatls like it’s 2022. well, it’s probably fine
  • Razanei Jr. (May 18) [g2]: hatchling aether | denim cinder | jade patched | lemon stinger
  • [lineage: Razanei x Gemini]
  • [originally: obelisk? mirror? swirl/malachite/runes]
  • THE BOY. HE’S HERE. took them 14 tries for a 1/8 chance—not too shabby. on multiple occasions I thought about settling for denim/jade/amber (they love that combo), but I decided I was going to be stubborn and wait for an exact match, and here it is
  • as a bonus, this frees up Razanei’s breeding schedule: he can go back to breeding with Caspian for potential dusthides/future ancients


De-acquired: (4)

  • Severin (m coatl, Jiaozi x Syldrion): one in, one out. Sev stuck around for a long time due to his unique color palette (it’s not often I can get teal greens and mossy greens to work together) but his little sister Alcyone is just nicer
  • Picayune (m aether, Coriolis x Ellory, Razanei g4) (up for adoption, will be exalted if not got): one in, one out!! eh. cute on a pillar (tm). I never did finish that game (update 6/18: WOO found him a home with a lore clan)
  • Eisegesis & Calumny (obs/obs/x medusa aura couple) (gifted to Gamy): I SAID I was gonna get bored of these bozos and IT HAPPENED. the moment dusthides came out I looked at them and was like ehhhhh


Variety features for a variety month: Razanei Jr., progen plushie; Borzoi, Breed Out the Ugly challenge winner (G6 Razanei); and his girlfriend Uelibloom. When you think about it, is the guy who took six generations and several months to breed any better-looking than his mate whom I snagged off the fodder floor? Well, ah, hmm. But the journey was fun!!

Log Entry by Achaius

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