razanei's raiders - 2024-08-05

July acquisitions: [+5, -2]

“What if I didn’t get any new dragons this month?” I thought. Then the truth-in-logging initiative caught up with me.

Bought (1):

  • Quatrain (July 21, 50kt): female fae | azure starmap | azure constellation | robin koi
  • [originally: skydancer, smirch]
  • This Franklin Expedition skin has been sitting in my hoard for a year and a half (it was a Crystalline Gala 2023 reject). I decided today is the day to get a dragon. My original scry was azure/azure/moon, but that basically doesn’t exist—32 unexalted, but the only one that is active AND possibly up for sale has shadow eyes (unacceptable). Instead I picked up this girl with water eyes who already had starcon.
  • This is why diehard g1 collectors say g2+ is too easy (imagine just buying a starcon double off the rack) but tbh a gem tert is rich enough for my blood.


Hatched (4):

  • Dippin’ Dots (June 11): female obelisk | orca tapir | mint foam | ivory koi
  • [lineage: Altioris x Xirina] [Razanei g4]
  • Ah, yes, the classic breed-and-yeet turned into a breed-and-keep. Dippin’ Dots and her sister Waffle are the first wave of the magenta soap project (their terts are a mile off, but Xirina is our resident gem tert rep so we’re rolling with it). Which family line will be the first to reach magenta? Sibling rivalry. Exciting stuff. But in the meantime, Dippin’ Dots has great pastel goth vibes and looks good in a fest skin, so she’s staying.
  • Rigatoni (June 16): female sandsurge | moon python | red blaze | gold augment
  • [lineage: Rion x Byron] [Razanei g3]
  • mmm pasta shark
  • me, cultivating a more intentional lair: this dog looks like a bowl of pasta I will keep her
  • Neyozzote (June 17) [g2]: male dusthide | cobalt cinder | splash marlin | peach spores
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
  • [originally: mirror | lionfish | noxtide | basic]
  • finally! a dusthide! this got waaay backburnered because I wasn’t expecting a new ancient as soon as April, and all of Razanei’s nests were taken up with the plushie project & trying to get a caribbean kid with Chibundu.
  • Ziminiar (July 13): male obelisk | flint flaunt | spruce saturn | metals koi
  • [lineage: Naharvali x Carnival of Rust] [Razanei g5] [Naomi g8] [Breed out the Ugly g2]
  • [plan: foam, uncommon eyes]
  • My first keeper from Breed Out the Ugly: Koi Edition. He needs a gene fix (saturn mane is too flat), but he’s the project heir so it’ll have to wait until he’s sired a successor.


De-acquired (2):

  • Cebalrai (f imp, Fenrir x Nysus, Razanei g3) (gifted to lore clan): meh. I’m attached to her status as Razanei’s first imp descendant, but not attached to her design or her character. also, naming her firstborn “BigOofBigGoof” was unfortunate—it doesn’t fit her vibe. (neither does LastSliceOfPizza. it felt well deserved at the time based on how the hatchlings turned out)
  • Cacao (f wildclaw, Kit x Loa) (gifted to lore clan): an impulse keep because I liked her outfit but ehhh…I could get a better dragon for the outfit. her primary is a cool brown, which doesn’t quite mesh with the rest (mainly warmer browns & coral pink), and I feel “eh” whenever I look at her lair icon


edit (8/2): oh huh I notice Cebalrai has been exalted, while Cacao (now Coco) has been moved on to a different clan…well, none of my business I suppose. Coco has a rockin’ new outfit, glad she landed well


Featured: Quatrain, Neyozzote (our Raz/Caspian dusthide), and Ziminiar (post-regene)

Log Entry by Achaius

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