razanei's raiders - 2024-09-30

September acquisitions: [+9, -4]

Another heavy variety month. We’ve got a breeding project success, a birthday dragon (self-hatched g1 double!!), two temporary breeders who turned out not to be temporary, a completely random 7-digit, and four Razanei descendants who decided to come with.

(note: a few genes are starred because we’re conquesting on September 29 and I plan to buy the genes directly afterwards)

Bought: (3)

  • Adagio (Sept 9, 40kt): female imperial | azure starmap | sapphire bee | magenta soap
  • Bought her as a mate for the magenta soap project. But then I got to thinking: Myrddin (see infra) is already magenta soap. Even if he’s not Tessarin’s mate, he can be part of ANOTHER magenta soap couple.
  • (Are we going to keep her long term when she’s very similar to our project target? Well, that’s a question for another day.)
  • Alain (Sept 13, 400g) [7-digit]: female pearlcatcher | maize boulder | caribbean shimmer | sky capsule
  • [originally: iridescent, gembond]
  • The price of 7-digits has shot up in recent months. In April I bought Goewyn (#3650792) for 190g, which was a common starting price. These days it’s hard to get anything under 300g, and many of the “cheap” ones have 9m+ IDs. I suspect this is partly due to the “1 decade” milestone, and partly due to price manipulation—there is one person selling a few dozen of them, with all their original purchase dates and prices in their bios. Many were bought within the past year for 15-100kt and are being flipped for 400g+. (For the ones she bought super cheap, she puts the purchase price in invisible text, but you can highlight to read.) I respect the hustle but avoided her shop.
  • Instead, I picked up this one, who fits perfectly with macabre musician (been wanting a dragon for that fit since we booted Aristide). It’s like a celebration present to myself for hitting the 10mt vault achievement.
  • Nilry (Sept 14, 20kt): male imperial | bubblegum iridescent | mint shimmer | ivory thylacine
  • [plan: koi]
  • I like Dippin’ Dots, but her primary (orca) is not ideal. She’d look nicer with pearl or cream or ice. I bought her a mate with the same sec/tert and a close-range primary with the intention of breeding her a successor.
  • Buying him koi would be the same price as buying koi for one (1) of his children, and it would make all the children have koi. There’s no downside. Then I thought: What if he and Dippin’ Dots were a breeding pair??
  • (But that means I’m keeping OG Dippin’ Dots instead of a nicer child? Well, I gave Dippin’ Dots a new primary (tapir > boulder) and she looks much better. Also, I like her name. Also also, I can back out anytime if I decide I want to keep a child instead.)


Hatched: (6)

  • Dorxein (July 17): female aether | steel chrysocolla | turquoise flicker | grapefruit starfall
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
  • [originally: mirror | lionfish | noxtide | basic]
  • After the dusthide snafu, I decided to plan ahead for the next ancient by scrying all Razanei/Caspian hatchlings as ancients and holding everyone who scried well. Dorxein looked great as an aether, so I put a hold on him. Then the aether gene expansion dropped and he looked even better. This lad was just meant to be an aether.
  • (For those keeping track at home, this is the third Raz/Caspian aether, after Kaboom and Hazard.)
  • Myrddin (Aug 30): male nocturne | amethyst python | cobalt foam | magenta soap
  • [lineage: Mortiorchis x Apachu] [Razanei g7]
  • [originally: spiral, tapir]
  • This guy would’ve been the finale of the magenta soap project, except (1) I don’t like amethyst boulder and (2) I decided to pivot to an IMPERIAL project. I changed him to a noc and discovered he looks amazing in a Starfall 2023 skin. So I’m keeping him. (But we’re still going for an imp to be Tessarin’s mate.)
  • Callandor (Sept 11): female coatl | overcast metallic | pumpkin paisley | cantaloupe runes
  • [lineage: Locke x Zenika] [Razanei g4]
  • it took 58 hatchlings, but Zenika FINALLY popped a coatl. we don’t NEED a coatl (Xirina, our surprise wildclaw, was born on July 13, 2023) but we are keeping her ANYWAY
  • Syruliah (Sept 18) [g1]: female obelisk | grapefruit pharaoh | grapefruit alloy | pearl sparkle*
  • [originally: triple basic fae]
  • omg??????
  • grapefruit is an incredible color. this girl could be so many things. but I settled on BEE PRINCESS WITH BEES because yay bees (and it suits her arcane eyes!)
  • [name] (Sept 22): female banescale | blood chevron* | blood tear* | steel warrior
  • [lineage: CAREBEAR x PLUMCAKES]
  • [plan: chevron/tear]
  • It took roughly two years to come up with a dark fantasy themed scry to be the child of CAREBEAR and PLUMCAKES, and then six weeks to execute (due to CAREBEAR and PLUMCAKES wegging me the first time around). Now they just need a Serious Dark Fantasy name and Serious Dark Fantasy lore.
  • Marble (Sept 29): female wildclaw | flint tapir | cyan foam | flaxen koi
  • [lineage: Altioris x Xirina] [Razanei g4]
  • ANOTHER one??? (Altioris is an obelisk)
  • At this point I think it’s just a fact that Poppy’s bloodline is unusually strong.
  • I gotta say I like this one significantly better than Callandor. hmmmm. Well, it’s about time for the end-of-month tally, so I’m going to put them both in the log and sort things out later.


De-acquired: (4)

  • Helix (high concept fandragon) [sold for 30g]: tbh I like the idea of a high concept fandragon more than the actual dragon, especially now that Jazz fills the “eyeburner aether” niche and is much nicer
  • Axel (extremely bi fodder, navy/plum/fuchsia) [sold for 30g]: this guy never really stuck, despite being a full gene project. thought about changing his breed, changing his outfit, but…eh
  • Rigatoni (Rion/Byron kid who looks like a bowl of pasta): it’s a tough life for ancients. the line between “quirky unique color combo” and “random fodder #243” is very thin
  • Salazar (abyss/wine coatl, Charlemagne’s twin): my main regret is not exalting her along with Charlemagne. it would’ve been nice to keep the twins together. oh well, the boss will sort it out. I like her every time I see her, but never think of her otherwise, which is not a good look.


Featured: Myrddin, our magenta soap rep; Syruliah, g1 grapefruit double; and our blood steel warrior (name TBA)

Log Entry by Achaius

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