razanei's raiders - 2024-12-14

November acquisitions: [+8, -0]

It’s the revenge of nodragontober!! I got EIGHT new dragons this month: three dragons due to the everlux release, two breeding project successes, a choir breeding pair, and an impulse keep. Guess my days of wild acquisitions are not over. Hoping to winnow things down before/during NotN.

Bought: (4)

  • Haurahi (Oct 14, 15g): female guardian | abyss speckle | clay fissure | steel okapi
  • [originally: thylacine]
  • oops, nodragontober fail. It happened like this: Web alerted me to a potential abyss/clay/abyss project breeder in someone’s fodder tab. I contacted the owner to buy. Web was like “you want me to buy them for you since it’s nodragontober?” and I said “nah it’s fine, they’re not a perma, just a project breeder”
  • THEN the monster hunter gear sets came out and looked really good on her OOPS
  • she’s still provisional but I did give her a new tert so I’m putting her in the log
  • Empyrion (Nov 4, 13g): male fathom | fire chorus | grape blaze | cantaloupe runes
  • [originally: obelisk | leopard | facet | opal]
  • YOOOO NODRAGONTOBER IS OVER so it’s time for an impulse project featuring the hot new gene chorus
  • Alseides (Nov 5, 50g): female obelisk | fire chorus | grape blaze | gold sparkle
  • [originally: triple basic fae]
  • AND I found a close-range mate just sitting in someone’s fodder den
  • technically it was 25g for the dragon and 25g to name the unnamed in her offspring list but I’m just gonna bundle the cost
  • Bloop (Nov 16, 15g): hatchling everlux | fern slime | marigold silkspot | sanddollar eclosion
  • [originally: obelisk | slime | sludge | glimmer]
  • impulse project!! eclosion makes hatchlings look like they’re coming out of a cornucopia. it is VERY cute. I was scrying someone’s fern/x/sanddollar g1 and thought “I want one.” then I found a dragon on AH with orange-range secondary and boom
  • fun fact: the breeder of this hatchling is trying to get a triple from moderate-range parents. they record all the siblings on a project tracker. there’s a sea of skydancers/obelisks AND ONE BABY GRUB

Hatched: (4)

  • Oricorio (Oct 15): female everlux | splash tide | cyan silkspot | saffron rift
  • [lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
  • [originally: lionfish/noxtide mirror]
  • The requisite Razanei x Caspian ancient. tbh I intended to wait longer to let my opinions on everluxes settle a bit… but Naleli made an amazing (and time-limited) everlux UMA… so here we are
  • Alexei (Nov 10): male pearlcatcher | indigo flaunt | azure saturn | plum koi
  • [lineage: Yaromir x Rinascita] [Razanei g9] [Naomi g12]
  • Breed Out the Ugly: Koi Edition challenge winner!! for months I’ve been like “plum koi is nice. I should get some plum koi.” then, boom, it falls into my lap (from an eldritch-iris range). I’m glad I didn’t settle for any of the earlier hatchlings and held out until now
  • Tank (Nov 12) [g1]: male aether | tan petals | mist lacquer | hickory diaphanous
  • [originally: everlux]
  • everlux release!! I don’t like them. no problem. we have other bugs on tap.
  • I considered making him modern and giving him swirl + the hidden saboteur set, but then he’d be too much like Ruu. also I like the bug-to-bug pipeline.
  • edit: after writing “I don’t like them,” I discovered I liked them better than I thought and turned two other dragons into luxes. no regrets about Tank though. he just doesn’t look good as an everlux.
  • Hyzenthlay (Nov 18): female imperial | sky flaunt | lapis foam | magenta soap
  • [lineage: Alnair x Cloudberry] [Razanei g9]
  • [originally: tapir, stained]
  • YOOOOOO Alnair and Cloudberry did it!! 1/16 chance of target colors and they got it on their firstborn


Featured: Hyzenthlay, magenta soap imp #1; Oricorio, our Razanei x Caspian everlux; and Empyrion, fire chorus lad

Log Entry by Achaius

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