December acquisitions: [+5, -4]
Made it to the new year without getting any more g1s! Mostly because I decided to boon instead of hatch for the 100 mil event (nests are more cost efficient per ID and I don’t overly care about g1 status). Also did some minor housecleaning, so I almost broke even this month.
Bought: (2)
- Orienne (Dec 2, 100g): female snapper | pumpkin chorus | pumpkin saddle | pumpkin koi
- [originally: imperial, pie/paint]
- I’ve been dissatisfied with the hatchlings from my nightshade/tangerine Stock the Pond pair. Their range includes all the browns and monochromes, so their kids are muddy and dull. I decided to get a pumpkin mate instead, to have kids that are garish and green.
- Been mulling this over for months. Got a saved AH search that I check periodically, various scries… Tonight I did a bunch of scrying (with an assist from Web, who suggested a snapper) and bought the dragon and all the scrolls and applied them immediately. Does it count as an impulse project if it’s been simmering for months?
- Nabudis (Dec 31, 60kt): female skydancer | radio boulder | radio trail | radio glimmer
- [originally: imperial, pinstripe]
- for fox’s sour dreams (skin by cind/gao). we sure are getting a lot of triples lately, huh?
- there was a skydancer with glimmer for only 50kt. however, she had light eyes, and I decided that getting the pixel right was worth the cost of a skydancer scroll. (this one has shadow eyes.)
Hatched: (3)
- Cairinn (Nov 26): female sandsurge | oilslick python | iris blaze | gold augment
- [lineage: Rion x Byron] [Razanei g3]
- oh yeah, better move this kid out of the launch zone of the hibden before NotN starts
- she’s got an older sister (born in September) who is moon/iris/gold, and who I debated heavily about keeping before sending her on. (she’s now a MAN IN TRAINING in Spooner’s MAN-CAVE. hell yeah.) then the color combo popped up again and I was like, okay, I gotta keep this one or I’ll regret it. iris is too good
- Mobius (Dec 27): male coatl | grape chrysocolla | ice trail | white ghost
- [lineage: Nimul x Zenobia]
- [ID: 100000121]
- [originally: iridescent]
- booned three nests during the rush for the 100 millionth ID! this was the first nest, and, as you can see, it was already too late. it was pure madness. I went to hatch as soon as we hit 99998900, but everyone on site was doing the exact same thing.
- Nimul & Zenobia’s kids don’t have the greatest track record on site (see: Azariel, Vinheim, Tristezza) but THIS one is a true keeper due to the ID. no revolving door here.
- Ulcizor (Dec 27): male undertide | azure octopus | olive eel | purple mistral
- [lineage: Razanei x Chibundu]
- [ID: 100002969]
- [originally: mirror | flaunt | constellation | capsule]
- I booned the progen nest third because I didn’t want to be too early. oops!! but this guy has a cute ID so we’re keeping him anyway. he was going to be a scatter project until Web discovered that azure octopus is a ridiculous match for olive eel. YOU WIN AGAIN, ANCIENTS
De-acquired: (4)
- Sharliss (f fathom gulfcomber) [sold for 30g]: an impulse subspecies dragon I made when fathoms were released. she got hit badly by the f fathom wing change, and I don’t care enough to silhouette her. thankfully my other two (Malvarax and Scydin) turned out okay. rip to people who had lots of f fathoms
- Quintic (m spiral, Zeke x Krilich) [sold for 10kt]: he’s all right. another blurple spiral. a bit too basic for my tastes these days. the faceted eyes are nice, but we got apps for that.
- Callandor (f coatl, Locke x Zenika) [sold for 10kt]: aight, this one feels kinda bad. 58 hatchlings and Zenika finally gave us a coatl and we’re not keeping it? but frankly she is not up to standard. I like the fiery vibe, especially with nebula starsilks, but we can do better.
- Avilit (f coatl) [rehomed via exalt row thread]: I forgot about this dog the instant she entered the hibden. not a good sign. she came with the ugliest visible offspring list (soldier soldier soldier soldier), and the 40 nicely-named offspring she had with Zauvari don’t show without scrolling. she has lore, but not lore with Zauvari (or anyone else), so ditching her requires no explanation
Featured: Orienne, our latest pond stocker & retired assassin; our as-yet-unnamed skydancer fox; and Ulcizor, 100M hatch