February acquisitions: [+2, -0]
yo?? a chill month?? My fodderlocke seems to be sating my need for novelty, which is great. Though it is funny both my keepers are the same sort of blue-green…I am nothing if not typical
Bought: (1)
- Sigourney (Feb 22, 15kt) [progen g2]: male dusthide | splash display | clay marlin | mint antlers
- [originally: triple basic female tundra]
- been a long time since I bought a progen lineage kid. the most recent one was Kris (g5) last August. and the most recent progen g2 was Luthien from…December 2023?? wow. what I’m saying is, I’m overdue.
Hatched: (1)
- Jeremy (Jan 29): male aether | peridot boulder | turquoise spire | peridot tentacles
- [lineage: Myriad x Orienne]
- [originally: snapper | chorus | saddle | opal]
- fine! if no one wants the super cute Stock the Pond double I will just keep him myself!
- okay, but why are all my STP keeps the most basic bitch dragons possible? Carillon, triple monochrome range. Maserati, generic purple & pink. now the green double.